What is Daraz Store of Daraz BD?
Daraz store (দারাজ স্টোর) is the authorized store of Daraz Bangladesh. Where the owner of that store will directly purchase items from Daraz BD website (daraz.com.bd) and will sell it to his local customers later on.
Be a proud owner of Daraz Store
If you have any store or have the motive to be an entrepreneur then you can be the owner of Daraz store. You will have the freedom to sell any product purchased from Daraz to your local customers. As a result, the people of your locality will enjoy the benefit of the largest e-commerce site and its variety of products. Thus it can be your income source as well.
Daraz BD Gets the first Daraz Store owner in Bangladesh
Rizvee Ahmed Rubel, first Daraz Store owner in Bangladesh is really amazed to be the historical journey of Daraz.com.bd. He is very much confident to start this wonderful march with Daraz BD and stated about Daraz Store,
I heard about Daraz for the first time from a younger brother of mine. Then I saw the Managing Director of Daraz Bangladesh Syed Mostahidal Hoq in a live TV program. After hearing his statement, I was convinced about the growth of e-commerce in Bangladesh and the interest about daraz bd kept growing inside me. Later, I heard about their revolutionary concept Daraz Store and I decided to be an owner of that. So finally I went to Daraz Head Quarter and registered myself as a proud Daraz Store owner.
As a Daraz Store owner, the first product I ordered from Daraz was cash on delivery and I didn’t do any pre-payment. The products were worth 1 lac Taka. That amazed me and I figured out that Daraz has no problem with counterfeiting and I can easily return products if any problem occurs under their return policy. This will definitely help me grow my business. I can be more trustworthy & established and make my business bigger with the unique & latest trendy products from Daraz.com.bd.
As the first Daraz store owner, I am expecting to move forward with a quick pace. There is a large scope in this business to earn success. I already hired 5 people to work under me and they are quite confident. Hopefully we can expand our business massively by engaging with Daraz Store.
Daraz BD has almost 2 lac exclusive products which are available on their website and I hope Daraz store will act as a good medium and easy platform for my customers to order products from Daraz BD website.
I have awesome experience with Daraz as all their representatives are very helpful and supportive. All the misconception I had regarding online store have evaporated from the day I started working with Daraz. I am confident that I will be able to run this business successfully.
So, what are you looking for? You guys have the same privilege of being a part of Daraz Store (দারাজ স্টোর বিডি). Start making your shop as an online supermarket from anywhere in Bangladesh now.
Read More About Daraz BD:
How to find daraz BD online?

With years of experience as a seasoned online shopper, I have developed a keen eye for the latest trends and technology in the E-commerce industry. The passion for discovering the best products and services on the web is matched only by love for sharing their findings with others.
আমি দারাজ ষ্টোর এর সেলার হতে চাই।
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Currently, participation in DarazMall is on an invite-only basis, at the discretion of the Daraz team based on performance. Reach out to your Key Account Manager to learn more about enlisting.
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