Daraz Bangladesh Ltd conducted an interactive session in the title of “The future of e commerce- presenting opportunities for BRAC University” at BRAC University Auditorium on November 9, 2015. The session was attended by Sumeet Singh, Managing Director and Co-Founder of Daraz Bangladesh, Sumit Jasoria – Head of Marketing of Bangladesh and Myanmar, Naushaba Salahuddin head of public relations and Antonio Fantappiè, Business Development Manager, Head of Sales Force.
During the interactive session speakers from Daraz introduced D-force, a new program developed by daraz.com.bd. It gives freelance employment to students and part time workers. Where selected students will be given a special log-in ID and will be able to place orders and work for Daraz as Sales Consultants. The program promises to give free sales training to best performing agents and offers certification from Rocket Internet and Daraz Bangladesh. D- Force offers salary based on commission which will increase with performance. D- Force previously have done campus activations at IUB, ULAB, and going to do their next activation at University of Asia Pacific on November 10th from 10am.
Head of Sales Force, Antonio Fantappiè says, “The D-Force program is a great opportunity for students from all backgrounds and different degrees. This innovative model of freelance selling will give them all a chance to get real working experience, shape their selling skills and, last but not least, boost their CVs.
Nowadays in globally competitive labor market, all these elements are indeed more and more crucial in order to start a bright career in the business world. Daraz Bangladesh, owner and pioneer of this project, can proudly state that the response received so far has been impressive, and the everyday growth can only confirm a great future ahead, both for D-Force and students!”
During the session 65 students signed up to join the D- Force program to work as a Sales Consultant for daraz.com.bd.
Shuvo Roy, an enthusiastic Content Writer & Researcher, has expertise in several industries, especially in IT, Software & E-commerce. Moreover, he is a strategic planner.