Playing Guitar? Check 5 Must Needed Accessories!

Guitar, an interesting musical instrument which can be used in any kind of music. It is said that if your heart follows the music, music follows the tune first. And it is always possible for guitar to create the mainstream tune. That’s why guitar can play the lead role for music. Anyway, if you are interested in playing music, you can check the five must needed guitar accessories in 2019 for sure.


String is a necessary gadget for all kinds of guitars. If you have acoustic guitar, string is the must needed accessory for you. Acoustic strings can be damaged for various reasons. Sometimes only for the bad tuning, strings can be cut down. So, always make sure the necessary safety while playing guitar. And for your special concern, Daraz Bangladesh brings to you a highest number of guitar strings online.


Guitar pick is also necessary for every guitar. For the good tune, guitar pick is a must. It gives you comfort while playing guitars. So, you can visit the musical instruments accessories page of Daraz where you can find the desired multi color guitar picks online.


Actually guitar capo is used for auto tuning. Once you set up the tune manually with the capo, half of your stress must go away. Besides guitar capo is attached with the strings, so it can be helpful for you to tune the guitar remaining in your comfort zone. Daraz offers you multiple colors guitar capo in an accessible price.

Tuning Key:

Tuning key is that kind of guitar gadget which is commonly used for maintaining the proper tune. It is the head tuning key through which you can fix the strings as well. You can collect it from Daraz online shop also.


For Electric and bass guitar, amplifier is a must needed accessory. There are various amplifier but the purpose is the same and that is to manage the sound properly. The management of total power also depends on it. And Daraz arranges various amplifiers in a good number.

So, here are your guitar accessories through which playing guitar can be a huge fun for you. Check guitar price in dhaka and whole Bangladesh and shop guitar online. Enjoy guitar playing!

Five Kinds of Personality at Workplace

It goes without saying, when you work at an office you meet a variety of people with different quirks. While sometimes, a little quirk and humor here and there does not really hurt, other times dealing with a few colleagues can be plain annoying.  So, take a look and try to personify these characters or maybe who knows you might just be one of them!

The gossip monger – The  credibility of every story they weave is questionable; they are basically the walking-talking version of BBC or CNN, you name it!

Beware of what you choose to divulge to this person since you never know what amazing concoctions they will come up with at your expense.

Sleepy sally – Needless to say, you will find this person drifting off into their la- la land  during intense meetings. It’s incredulous how blissfully they can fall asleep amidst anywhere and everywhere. The only way they can be jerked off from this peaceful slumber and brought back to reality  is by a well deserved yelling from the boss!

The know-it-all – This particular person is under the delusion that they are the epitome of knowledge. Their “insightful comments” about every project will be dreaded by the whole team. Never doubt their knack for disproving your capability or intelligence with their biting words of wisdom. Just remember to keep your cool, the next time you are shot by their unwarranted advises and suggestions.

The Office Romeo – The sight of this person casually strolling in the office with absolutely no care of the universe is a constant reason of annoyance. Just when it cannot get any worse, they come up to random colleagues and flirt shamelessly. Honestly, workplace etiquette is an alien concept to this person.

The Grumpy Grandma – So you are minding your own business and meeting crazy deadlines when this person shows out of nowhere with a baggage of complaints. Even minute inconveniences will be blown out of proportion, when this person is involved. A word of advice, filter out the negativity this person is spewing if you want to maintain a positive attitude at workplace.

Lastly,  as bleak as it seems right now I can assure amongst all these people you will also find an  office buddy, who will be your unflinching cheerleader and make Monday coffee runs a bit better. So hang on! It’s not all bad.

আলিবাবা ইকোসিস্টেমের অন্তর্ভুক্ত হলো দারাজ গ্রুপ

বাংলাদেশ, পাকিস্তান, শ্রীলঙ্কা, মিয়ানমার ও নেপালের সর্ববৃহৎ ই-কমার্স কোম্পানি দারাজ গ্রুপকে ক্রয় করেছে বিখ্যাত চীনা ই-কমার্স কোম্পানি আলিবাবা গ্রুপ। এখন আলিবাবা গ্রুপের সদস্য দারাজ।

এই চুক্তির ফলে, আলিবাবার অভিজ্ঞ নেতৃত্বে প্রযুক্তি, অনলাইন কমার্স, মোবাইল পেমেন্ট এবং লজিস্টিকস দ্বারা লাভবান হবে দারাজ, যা নিশ্চিত করবে দক্ষিণ এশিয় এই পাঁচটি দেশের সফল উন্নতি  ও অগ্রগতি। এই পাঁচটি দেশের মোট জনসংখ্যা ৪৬ কোটিরও বেশি, যার মধ্যে ৬০ শতাংশ মানুষের বয়স ৩৫-এর নিচে।

দারাজের কো-সিইও, বিয়ার্কে মিক্কেলসেন বলেন- “এই চুক্তির ফলে আলিবাবা পরিবারে জায়গা করে নিলো দারাজ। ‘যেকোন জায়গায় ব্যবসাকে সহজ করে তোলা’- এই কাজটি আমরা সফলভাবে করতে পেরে গর্বিত। কঠোর পরিশ্রম ও নিবেদিত প্রাণে আমরা এই মার্কেটে ই-কমার্স যাত্রা শুরু করেছি কিন্তু এখন পর্যন্ত এর বিপুল সম্ভাবনার মাত্র ছোট্ট একটি অংশকে ছুঁতে পেরেছি আমরা”।

২০১২ সালে কার্যক্রম শুরু করে দারাজ এবং সময়ের সাথে সাথে এটি সর্বাধিক জনপ্রিয় অনলাইন শপিং গন্তব্য হিসেবে প্রতিষ্ঠা লাভ করে। বর্তমানে কোম্পানিটি সফলভাবে অনলাইন মার্কেটপ্লেস পরিচালনা করছে বাংলাদেশ, পাকিস্তান, মিয়ানমার, শ্রীলঙ্কা এবং নেপালে। আলিবাবা ইকোসিস্টেমের অন্তর্ভুক্ত হলেও দারাজের ব্র্যান্ড নামে কোন পরিবর্তন আসবে না।

দারাজের আরেক কো-সিইও, ড. জোনাথন ডোয়ার আরও বলেন- “আলিবাবার সাথে হাতে হাত মিলিয়ে আমরা এই অঞ্চলের উদ্যোক্তাদের ক্ষমতায়ন করার জন্য প্রস্তুত। পাশাপাশি, প্রতিশ্রুতি মোতাবেক আমরা আমাদের গ্রাহকদের কাছে সেরা পণ্যগুলো খুব সহজেই পৌঁছে দিতে পারবো। এবং এ সবই সম্ভব হবে সেরা প্রযুক্তিগত প্ল্যাটফর্ম, শক্ত লজিস্টিকস নেটওয়ার্ক এবং সংশ্লিষ্ট সকল পক্ষের উৎফুল্ল অংশগ্রহণের ফলে”। 

এখনই ভিজিট করুন দেশের সবচেয়ে বড় ও সমৃদ্ধ অনলাইন শপিং মল দারাজ বাংলাদেশ

Five Benefits of Online Shopping at Daraz BD!

shop online in bd

Online shopping has become the new trend of Bangladesh now-a-days and Daraz Bangladesh has set up the trend in our country successfully. Now People are showing their interest to shop through online because the procedure of online shopping is very much easy and comfortable. Staying at home, through only one click anybody can shop anything through online avoiding the disgusting sunlight, jam, crowd and other obstacles. So, who can care to shop in local market missing these amazing benefits and that’s why online shopping has been very much popular in our country in these days. But it’s must be pointed to note that the customer has to ensure the necessary devices with sufficient internet connection for the endless online shopping. Now let’s see the most valuable 5 benefits of online shopping at Daraz in the below discussion.

24/7 Shopping:

The most important facility of online shopping is to shop anything at any time. For the availability of technology, anybody can shop now from Daraz at any time without any big effort definitely.

Time Saving:

If anybody want to save his or her most precious time, he or she should choose the online shopping without thinking any other option. In this regard, Daraz can be the suitable choice obviously.

Unbelievable Price:

As there are no middle businessmen in online market, the price of the products stay remained in customer’s comfort zone. So, the customers can pay only the legal price of any product in online shopping. On that note, Daraz Bangladesh provides various facilities to their online customers like vast discount offers and delicious gift coupons unbelievably.


The most interesting benefit of online shopping is that online shopping can give you the sterling taste of eminent diversity for sure. From Daraz, you can enjoy the variety of products with variable price rates exclusively.

Minimization of other cost:

The format of online shopping conveys that it can be easily possible to minimize the other costs like extra price rates of products, travel costs, delivery costs and so on. So, if you want to grab this marvelous opportunity, you can shop from Daraz Online Shop effectively.


Read more:

Why you must choose Daraz BD?

A Note to Our Facebook Fans – All 10 million of them

You heard that right; we are officially 10 million strong!

That’s more than the population of Singapore and Qatar combined. Now you know the population of Singapore and Qatar combined.

This community milestone has been achieved with your support, side by side, session after session, every click of the way.

Together, we are proof. Social proof that Bangladesh’s e-commerce turnaround is not only well under-way, but is going places. Places ranging from the remotest corners of Bangladesh to its pulsating metropolises.

What does a Like mean to us? For starters, it’s akin to a pulse: a validation of the fact that our diverse community of fans is active, engaged and watching our every move. This in turn spurs us on to greater heights of efficacy, customer experience and accountability.

A Like on our page is indicative of the growing web of trust in e-commerce. And we value the trust our customers place in our services. That trust is the lifeline of any and all e-commerce endeavors in Bangladesh.

Its 10M for Daraz BD

And it’s why we do what we do. It’s why we bring you the best and latest in product launches; it’s why our website has become a showroom of sorts for hundreds of high-pedigree brands. It’s why- when you talk- we listen. Because that’s our job as e-tailers.

Thank you for visiting. Thank you for shopping. Thank you, also, for just stopping by and browsing. We’d like you to know that the reason we put our customers first, is because you put high-quality and authentic products first. Our priorities are one and the same. Thank you for making us do better and motivating us everyday to become a better version of ourselves.

As always, your wishlist – is our command.

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Visit Now

Daraz Bangladesh Website | Daraz Bangladesh Facebook Page

Boxing Day Flash Sale on Daraz Bangladesh

Daraz bd online shop

Boxing Day: Day after Christmas

Boxing Day is a holiday celebrated on the day after immediately Christmas Day. It originated in the United Kingdom, and is celebrated in a number of countries that previously formed part of the British Empire like our Bangladesh. Boxing Day is on 26th December, although the attached bank holiday or public holiday may take place either on that day or two days later.

boxing day sale in bd

Boxing Day Special Flash Sale

Biggest online shopping mall in Bangladesh, Daraz BD( is going to make your Christmas time more enjoyable by bringing amazing limited flash sale on this boxing day 2017. It’s a great opportunity to shop products at best price on boxing day flash sale at 26 December. You can find up to 60% unbelievable discounts on flash sale offers including your preferred phones and appliances category. Now smart tv, smartphone, dslr camera online shopping price is very much affordable on this Daraz boxing day flash sale.

boxing day flash sale in bd

Boxing Day Flash Sale 2017: What Inside?

In this amazing boxing day flash sale at, shoppers will find some extra-ordinary features for online shopping in Dhaka and all across Bangladesh. So, undoubtedly something great is coming for you if you shop from boxing day sales 2017 in BD.

  • Best Products – Branded Items
  • Free Delivery – No Delivery Cost to Pay
  • Easy EMI – With no Additional Interest
  • Breathtaking Discounts – Up to 60% Discount Offers
  • Home Delivery – In Quickest Time


Lets have a look into boxing day sales timing:

Flash Sale Timing Categories
3PM – 6PM Sports & Fitness, Computing & Gaming, Books & Stationery
6PM – 9PM Men’s Fashion, Women’s Fashion, Beauty & Health
9PM – 12PM Appliance, Home & Living, TV & Audio, Mobile Phones & Tablets

Merry Christmas from Daraz BD



Stop guessing, Grab your best boxing day deals in Bangladesh. Get boxing day discounts 2017 at Daraz Online Shop. Merry Christmas to all of you from Daraz Bangladesh!




Read more about Daraz Bangladesh:

Daraz BD starts D-store

Daraz Bangladesh Joins at Digital World | DW2017

Daraz bd online shop

Daraz Bangladesh is now on DW 2017 – #ReadyForTomorrow

Daraz BD(, leading e-commerce in Bangladesh joins at the biggest tech event Digital World 2017 at Bangabandhu International Conference Center (BICC), Dhaka. This mega event has came with a slogan named “Ready for Tomorrow”. The slogan of Govt. of Bangladesh “Digital Bangladesh” carries a great significance in order to ensure the development of BD through digitization. Apart from Daraz Bangladesh,  around 400 exhibitors from Bangladesh and abroad including policy makers, senior government officials & ministers, online industry leaders, civil society spokespersons, investors and multinational software vendor are the attendees in Digital Fair 2017. The first robot citizen in the world, Sofia is also an important attendee in DW 2017 at Dhaka.

Daraz BD in Digital World

Purpose to attain at DW 2017

The main purpose of being a exhibitor in Digital Fair is to educate digital shopping, facilities of shopping online to visitors. This is a great initiative by to describe Bangladeshi people that how easy online shopping is.

Have a look into what inside Daraz stall in this mega tech fair in Bangladesh

Daraz online shop at digital fair 2017

Free Makeup Service:

In the digital exhibition at Daraz stall, fair visitors can avail amazing makeup service by popular makeup artist Segufta at totally free. You can make yourself 100% groomy at no cost.

Live music instruments:

Music lovers have a great privilege at Daraz BD stall. Any visitor can get a chances to play music instruments free including guitars, roll up drums & percussion, flutes, keyboards etc. Playing live musical instrument will be a definite fun in the digital world.

Play PS4 Games Free:

Game lovers have a great chance to play Play Station 4 games for free at stall. You need only to download daraz mobile app and then you will get the full freedom to enjoy ps4 games.

Daraz on Digital Mela 2017

Check & Order products Directly:

Fair visitors can check their favorite products physically and order their preferred products instantly to shop online. Customer service agents will be there to confirm order and solve issues (if any). Different cosmetics, perfumes, mobile phones, music instruments are available in the stall to check.

Mobile Phone Touch & Feel:

Shoppers can now touch and check the mobile specs and features physically in the stall. Two latest GM 5 & GM 6 smartphones are their in the stall in the fair venue. This is surely a pleasure touch & feel opportunity in online shopping marketplace.

daraz stall at digital world 17



FB Messenger Voucher:

Online buyers now can find best facebook messenger vouchers for shopping. Daraz BD gives an opportunity to shop products online at 500 taka discount. For that, minimum order should be minimum 3,000BDT. Check the voucher code: digifair500, and shop now till 9th December. This code is exclusive for only digital fair 2017.




So, move around digital fair 2017. Never miss to visit Daraz Bangladesh stall (stall number # A 67) if you really want to find these amazing opportunities. Enjoy!


You can also read:

How can I find Daraz Online Shop?

Welcome to Daraz Store | Daraz BD Gets the First Daraz Store Owner

Daraz Store PNG

What is Daraz Store of Daraz BD?

Daraz store (দারাজ স্টোর) is the authorized store of Daraz Bangladesh. Where the owner of that store will directly purchase items from Daraz BD website ( and will sell it to his local customers later on.

Be a proud owner of Daraz Store

If you have any store or have the motive to be an entrepreneur then you can be the owner of Daraz store. You will have the freedom to sell any product purchased from Daraz to your local customers. As a result, the people of your locality will enjoy the benefit of the largest e-commerce site and its variety of products. Thus it can be your income source as well.

Daraz BD Gets the first Daraz Store owner in Bangladesh

What is D-Store of Daraz BD

Rizvee Ahmed Rubel, first Daraz Store owner in Bangladesh is really amazed to be the historical journey of He is very much confident to start this wonderful march with Daraz BD and stated about Daraz Store,

I heard about Daraz for the first time from a younger brother of mine. Then I saw the Managing Director of Daraz Bangladesh Syed Mostahidal Hoq in a live TV program. After hearing his statement, I was convinced about the growth of e-commerce in Bangladesh and the interest about daraz bd kept growing inside me. Later, I heard about their revolutionary concept Daraz Store and I decided to be an owner of that. So finally I went to Daraz Head Quarter and registered myself as a proud Daraz Store owner.

As a Daraz Store owner, the first product I ordered from Daraz was cash on delivery and I didn’t do any pre-payment. The products were worth 1 lac Taka. That amazed me and I figured out that Daraz has no problem with counterfeiting and I can easily return products if any problem occurs under their return policy. This will definitely help me grow my business. I can be more trustworthy & established and make my business bigger with the unique & latest trendy products from

As the first Daraz store owner, I am expecting to move forward with a quick pace. There is a large scope in this business to earn success. I already hired 5 people to work under me and they are quite confident. Hopefully we can expand our business massively by engaging with Daraz Store.

Daraz BD has almost 2 lac exclusive products which are available on their website and I hope Daraz store will act as a good medium and easy platform for my customers to order products from Daraz BD website.

I have awesome experience with Daraz as all their representatives are very helpful and supportive. All the misconception I had regarding online store have evaporated from the day I started working with Daraz. I am confident that I will be able to run this business successfully.

So, what are you looking for? You guys have the same privilege of being a part of Daraz Store (দারাজ স্টোর বিডি). Start making your shop as an online supermarket from anywhere in Bangladesh now.


Read More About Daraz BD:
How to find daraz BD online?

Double Taka Voucher for 10.10 Mega Sale Campaign

Just a few more days to go for 10.10 Sale event. Hilarious discount offers will be available on a large variety of products during this event. We are here to show you more ways to get more discounts.

Double Taka Voucher

Double Taka Voucher is a unique type of voucher which will enable customers to get products at half the price. By using Double Taka Voucher, you will be privileged to get your desired product by paying only half of the total amount. This type of unique voucher code in Bangladesh has been brought to you by Daraz Bangladesh.

Double Taka Vouchers at

Largest online shopping mall in bangladesh, brings amazing Double Taka Voucher offer at upcoming 10.10 Mega Sale event to give ultimate satisfaction to daraz customers. Now shoppers will be more satisfied by availing these big coupon codes for online shopping. Buying high end products will be a bliss if you have Double Taka Voucher Code. No more guesswork, expected double taka voucher code is at your fingertips now.

Voucher Name
Voucher Price
Minimum Purchase
2,000 Taka Voucher 1,000 Taka 6,000 Taka
4,000 Taka Voucher 2,000 Taka 12,000 Taka
10,000 taka Voucher 5,000 Taka 25,000 Taka
20,000 Taka Voucher 10,000 Taka 50,000 Taka

Terms and conditions for Double Taka Voucher at 10.10 Mega Sale

  • Double taka voucher can be collected from
  • Vouchers can only be bought via online payment or bKash, no cash on delivery available
  • Voucher code will arrive on your registered e-mail at Daraz BD
  • Only one double taka voucher for one customer
  • Vouchers can only be used on 1 order, it can’t be split
  • Deadline to buy voucher is 4th October, 2017 (Provided, the stock does not run out)
  • Except baby food category, all categories are allowed for vouchers
  • Vouchers should be put on order checkout stage
  • Validity of voucher is exactly 6-14th October during 10.10 Mega Sale
  • Basket size should be equal or more than minimum purchase value
  • Double taka vouchers are non refundable

So stop waiting, buy double taka voucher now from and be prepared for the upcoming mega online event “10.10 Mega Sale”. Have a blast with online shopping with the best coupon codes in bangladesh and enjoy!