How to Give Ratings and Reviews on Daraz Bangladesh? 4 10832

Online shopping has, without any doubt, been a remarkable innovation that has made our lives easier! With the ease of access from millions to thousands of products of different assortments, Daraz aims to make online shopping in Bangladesh a safe, easy and convenient method of shopping with prime consideration always!

Daraz Bangladesh offers strict guidelines for its vendors and strives to make its customer experience better with every step. However, with the ease of access to the internet by everyone at this age, everybody wants to make the most of it. And so, Daraz also believes in that happy shopping experience of loyal customers to build together a solid e-commerce industry in Bangladesh.

This is why you should always look for reviews and seller ratings. Seller ratings and reviews help identify buyers of honest and genuine vendors and get your desired products delivered to you.

Here’s How to Give Reviews on Daraz BD

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▪ Open your Daraz App or website

▪ Click on “My Account”

▪ Select the “To Review” icon at the top of the page

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▪ After clicking on To Review, you’ll be redirected to your previous orders that you have to yet review

▪ Select an honest rating and write a review of the product!

▪ You can even post pictures of the product you received

▪ When you’re done, click on Share Review, and your review will get posted!


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Reviews can work both ways; you can even share positive reviews that could help the vendor grow more and gain trust if you are satisfied with your dealing.

In the growing e-commerce sector of Bangladesh, Daraz understands how big a difference seller/product reviews by its customers is in enabling a smooth shopping experience which is why Daraz rewards those customers who are loyal and give frequent reviews by selecting them as Star Reviewers.

With Daraz’s Star Reviewer Programs, you can win products for free to review them! So, make sure you check reviews and give reviews back for a smooth online shopping experience!

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So, with your help, Daraz can maintain be Bangladesh’s reliable online shopping platform by focusing on checking the seller reviews, and in return, make a habit of reviewing back so other customers can have a happy experience as well!

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Shuvo Roy, an enthusiastic Content Writer & Researcher, has expertise in several industries, especially in IT, Software & E-commerce. Moreover, he is a strategic planner.


    1. সরাসরি- না। কিন্তু অন্যরা আপনার রিভিউ দেখে উপকৃত হবে, একটা ভালো পণ্যের ব্যাপারে নিশ্চিত হবে, খারাপ রিভিউ দেখলে সেই পণ্য এড়িয়ে যাবে। এভাবে পরে কোনো কেনাকাটায় আপনিও অন্যের রিভিউ দেখে আরো সেরা পণ্য খুঁজে পেতে পারেন সহজেই।

  1. Can i edit my review?
    Actually order a product and i was not getting battery, but later i got the battery.
    But meanwhile i posted my review that i received without battery.

    Hence, want to edit my review.

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List of Daraz Collection Point Addresses (Updated 2024) 98 506079

Last updated on January 18th, 2024 at 03:25 pm

Your favorite product selection is done at Daraz? Now if you want product delivery with less delivery cost, Daraz Collection Point or Daraz Pick-Up Point is one tap away. Select your preferred collection point address from the list while shopping from the Daraz online shop. Now the Daraz pick-up point or collection point delivery charge is only 25 Tk (It may vary based on specific products).

Daraz Collection Point Lists At a Glance


Hub NameHub Address
Daraz DIGIBOX- AgargaonICT Tower (14th Floor) Plot: E-14/X, Dhaka 1207
Daraz DIGIBOX- BananiHouse 37, Block I Road No. 1, Dhaka 1212
Daraz DIGIBOX CpHouse:37, Road:1, Block: I, Dhaka
Daraz DIGIBOX, Gulshan 2QCR9+2Q3, Gulshan 2, Dhaka 1212
Sl NoHub NameHub AddressGoogle Map LinkContact NumberScheduleFriday & Saturday ScheduleFriday & Saturday Break
1DEX Jhigatola StationHouse:-44, Road:-02, West Dhanmondi, JhigatolaMap Link >>+88018100996199.30 a.m. – 8 p.m.10.00 a.m. – 7 p.m.1 p.m. – 2 p.m.
2DEX Dhanmondi StationGreen Jasmine, House 8/A, Road 7, Dhanmondi – 1205Map Link >>+88018100996189.30 a.m. – 8 p.m.10.00 a.m. – 7 p.m.1 p.m. – 2 p.m.
3DEX Khilgaon – Banasree StationHouse-18, Road-13, Bolck-K, South banasree , KhilgaonMap Link >>+88018100996239.30 a.m. – 8 p.m.10.00 a.m. – 7 p.m.1 p.m. – 2 p.m.
4DEX Malibag StationOnus Apparels Ltd., ৯৫/বি Sahid Muktijoddha Faruk Iqbal And Taslim Rd, Dhaka 1219Map Link >>+88018100996229.30 a.m. – 8 p.m.10.00 a.m. – 7 p.m.1 p.m. – 2 p.m.
5DEX Mirpur 10 Station225, Club Road, Senpara, Mirpur 10, DhakaMap Link >>+88018100996149.30 a.m. – 8 p.m.10.00 a.m. – 7 p.m.1 p.m. – 2 p.m.
6DEX Manikdi-Kalshi StationGround & 1st Floor, 695/1 Manikdi Bazar Road, Manikdi, Dhaka Cantonment, Dhaka-1206Map Link >>+88018100996179.30 a.m. – 8 p.m.10.00 a.m. – 7 p.m.1 p.m. – 2 p.m.
7DEX Mirpur Pirerbag StationSaleh Tower 242, South Pirerbagh 60feet Road, Kamal Sarani, Amtola bazar , Mirpur, Dhaka- 1216Map Link >>+88018100996159.30 a.m. – 8 p.m.10.00 a.m. – 7 p.m.1 p.m. – 2 p.m.
8DEX Mirpur Zoo Road StationDEX Zooroad Station Mollik Tower , 13/14 Zoo Road, Mirpur 1Map Link >>+88018100996169.30 a.m. – 8 p.m.10.00 a.m. – 7 p.m.1 p.m. – 2 p.m.
9DEX Mohammadpur StationHouse # 1, Dhaka Housing, Adabor, Mohammadpur Dhaka,Map Link >>+88018100996259.30 a.m. – 8 p.m.10.00 a.m. – 7 p.m.1 p.m. – 2 p.m.
10DEX Mugda-Sobujbag Station89, Atish Dipankar Road,South Mugdapara( Mugda Bishworoad), DhakaMap Link >>+88018100996249.30 a.m. – 8 p.m.10.00 a.m. – 7 p.m.1 p.m. – 2 p.m.
11DEX Notun Bazar – Kalachandpur StationKA-61 /1A, 2nd Floor, Progati Sarani, Norda, Dhaka-1212. (Sundarban Courier Service Baridhara Branch building)Map Link >>+88018100996139.30 a.m. – 8 p.m.10.00 a.m. – 7 p.m.1 p.m. – 2 p.m.
12DEX Notunbazar StationPlot 1040, ground floor, Japan School Road, Baridhara Block-J, Vatara, Dhaka-1212Map Link >>+88018100996129.30 a.m. – 8 p.m.10.00 a.m. – 7 p.m.1 p.m. – 2 p.m.
13DEX Old Town Station88/89, Nazim Uddin Road, Rajanigandha Villa, Old Town, DhakaMap Link >>+88018100996269.30 a.m. – 8 p.m.10.00 a.m. – 7 p.m.1 p.m. – 2 p.m.
14DEX Tejgaon Station123 Love Rd, Tejgaon Industrial Area, Dhaka 1208Map Link >>+88018100996119.30 a.m. – 8 p.m.10.00 a.m. – 7 p.m.1 p.m. – 2 p.m.
15DEX Uttara Sector 11 Station34,Jewel Tower(1st floor), Gareeb E Newaz Avenew, Sector 11 , DhakaMap Link >>+88018100996219.30 a.m. – 8 p.m.10.00 a.m. – 7 p.m.1 p.m. – 2 p.m.
16DEX UTTARA 1 STATIONUttara Sector 1 ,road number 11 ,house number 7,Dhaka-1230 L4: Uttara Sector 1Map Link >>+88018100996209.30 a.m. – 8 p.m.10.00 a.m. – 7 p.m.1 p.m. – 2 p.m.
17DEX DakshinKhan StationAmin Tower 1st Floor , Near Islami Bank ATM, Dakshin Khan Bazar, Dakshin Khan, Dhaka.Map Link >>+88018793133599.30 a.m. – 8 p.m.10.00 a.m. – 7 p.m.1 p.m. – 2 p.m.
18DEX Banani Station 2House-37,Road-1,Block-K ,Banani,Dhaka.Map Link >>N/A9.30 a.m. – 8 p.m.10.00 a.m. – 7 p.m.1 p.m. – 2 p.m.
19DEX Jatrabari Station80/c, Fuljaan Tower, 1 no gate, Uttor Jatrabari, Dhaka.Map Link >>+88018742500699.30 a.m. – 8 p.m.10.00 a.m. – 7 p.m.1 p.m. – 2 p.m.
Sl NoHub NameHub AddressGoogle Map LinkContact NumberOpen TimeFriday & Saturday Break TimeClose Time
1DEX Savar StationA-144 (Beside Janata Bank Limited), Savar Bazar Road, Savar, DhakaMap Link >>+88018100996299.30 a.m.N/A6.00 p.m.
2DEX Banani StationJahanara Garden, House-103, Road-13/A, Block-C, Banani, DhakaMap Link >>+88018770519379.30 a.m.1 p.m.- 2 p.m.8.00 p.m.
3DEX Shafipur StationShafipur Genarel Hospital Road (Infront of Mahmud Denims Ltd.), Kaliakoir, GazipurMap Link >>+88018388041859.30 a.m.N/A6.00 p.m.
4DEX Mawna StationKeuwa West Khando,Dhaka Asulia Mohasarak,Sreepur Mawna Gazipur -1740.Map Link >>+88018111255019.30 a.m.N/A6.00 p.m.
5DEX Tongi StationB.S.C Commercial Bhaban, Beside Marco Filling Station, Kunia, Targach, Tongi, GazipurMap Link >>+88018100996309.30 a.m.N/A6.00 p.m.
6DEX Keraniganj StationAmirabag New Road, Opposite of powerhouse, Zinzira,Keraniganj, Dhaka-1310Map Link >>+88018100996349.30 a.m.N/A6.00 p.m.
7DEX Narayanganj Station46 KB saha road Amlapara,chasara narayanganjMap Link >>+88018100996279.30 a.m.N/A6.00 p.m.
8DEX Narsingdi StationHouse No: 497, Titas Gas office Mor, Chinishpur, Narsingdi Sadar, Narsingdi- 1602Map Link >>+88018100996329.30 a.m.N/A6.00 p.m.
9DEX Faridpur Station100/6, Near Faridpur New Bus stand, Dhaka – Faridpur Highway, Opposite of Shishu Park, Goalchamot, Faridpur-7800Map Link >>+88018100996719.30 a.m.N/A6.00 p.m.
10DEX Rajbari StationSajankanda, Rajbari Sador Upazila, Rajbari -7700, Rajbari.Map Link >>+88018100996399.30 a.m.N/A6.00 p.m.
11DEX Kishoregonj StationHouse #933(Ground floor), Gaital, Mymensingh Road, Kishoregonj, 2300Map Link >>+88018100996739.30 a.m.N/A6.00 p.m.
12DEX Gazipur StationHouse No. 78 (Wirless Gate, Gazipur Metropolitan Police Headquarters, Besides Paler math mosjid ), Road- noljani, Post: Chandna- 1702, Joydebpur, Gazipur Sadar, Gazipur, BangladeshMap Link >>+88018100996319.30 a.m.N/A6.00 p.m.
13DEX Tangail StationSarah Villa, Holding No-753, Choto Kalibari Road, Akur Takur Para, Word No-16, Tangail-1900Map Link >>+88018100996289.30 a.m.N/A6.00 p.m.
14DEX Madaripur StationMadaripur, Madaripur sadar, Iterpool Rofiq Super Market 1st Floor , 7900Map Link >>+88018949277379.30 a.m.N/A6.00 p.m.
15DEX Manikganj StationGolden Tower, Nagar Vaban Road, Manikgonj, 1800Map Link >>+88018100996379.30 a.m.N/A6.00 p.m.
16DEX Gopalganj StationTaj Manjil, H#490,Shisuban,Mohila College Road,Ward No:07,Gopalganj-8100, (Beside NSI Office)Map Link >>+88018100996729.30 a.m.N/A6.00 p.m.
17DEX Munshiganj StationEuro Plaza, Sadar Hospital Rd, Manikpur, Munshiganj Sadar.Map Link >>+88018949277459.30 a.m.N/A6.00 p.m.
18DEX Shariatpur StationHouse-511, Dhanuka, Shariatpur Sadar, Shariatpur-8000Map Link >>+88018949277389.30 a.m.N/A6.00 p.m.


Sl NoHub NameHub AddressGoogle Map LinkContact NumberOpen TimeClose Time
1DEX Agrabaad StationBashar Square Ground Floor(Ex-M Court), 108 Agrabad C/A, Near Govt. Commerce College, ChattogramMap Link >>+88018100996449.30 a.m.6.00 p.m.
2DEX Probortok Station553 Hillview Road, Chawkbazar Sadar, Probortok CircleMap Link >>+88018100996459.30 a.m.6.00 p.m.
3DEX Oxygen StationHouse #3658 (1st floor ) Sitol Jhorna Residential Area Kuwaish Road, Oxygen, Chattogram.Map Link >>+88018100996469.30 a.m.6.00 p.m.
4DEX Brahamanbaria StationHolding no:0571, Word no: khoyasar, Obaidul Muktadi Road, Brahamanbaria sadar, Brahamanbaria.Map Link >>+88018100996339.30 a.m.6.00 p.m.
5DEX Bandarban StationNoapara Stadium VIP Gate, Bandarban Sadar, Bandarban-4600.22.191820,Map Link >>+88018949277479.30 a.m.6.00 p.m.
6DEX Cox’s Bazar StationKuruskul Rastar Matha, MM Tower, Along with income tax office, Cox’s Bazar Sadar, Cox Bazar.Map Link >>+88018100996479.30 a.m.6.00 p.m.
7DEX Comilla StationHolding No: 853, Momtaz Mahal, Road: South Talpukur Par, Mahalla: 1st Kandirpar,Ranir Bazar, Old Momota Ma O Shishu General Hospital Building, ComillaMap Link >>+88018100996359.30 a.m.6.00 p.m.
8DEX Chandpur StationMothkhola Government Muk O Bodhir High School Mor, Fajilot Plaza, Word -13, Siraj Patwarir bari, Chandpur Sadar, Chandpur.Map Link >>+88018100996409.30 a.m.6.00 p.m.
9DEX Feni Station366, Idris Mansion (1st Floor), Mohipal, FeniMap Link >>+88018100996429.30 a.m.6.00 p.m.
10DEX Noakhali StationFardaous vila, Johurul hoq miar garej, word no: 5 Noakhali porosova, Maijdee court, NoakhaliMap Link >>+88018100996439.30 a.m.6.00 p.m.
11DEX Khagrachari StationVatghor & Biryani House, Narikel Bagan, College road, Khagrachari Sadar, Khagrachari.23.109822,Map Link >>+88018949277499.30 a.m.6.00 p.m.
12DEX Lakshmipur StationKarim Tower,Dhaka Raipur Highway Road, Baghbari, Opposite to TC office, Luxmipur, ChittagongMap Link >>+88018100996419.30 a.m.6.00 p.m.
13DEX Rangamati StationKathaltali, Police Station:-Kotuwali, Rangamati Sadar-4500, RangamatiMap Link >>+88018949277529.30 a.m.6.00 p.m.


Sl NoHub NameHub AddressGoogle Map LinkContact NumberOpen TimeClose Time
1DEX Khulna Sadar Station47 KDA Avenue (Beside Dalmill Mor), Khulna.Map Link >>+88018100996639.30 a.m.6.00 p.m.
2DEX Bagerhat StationHaji Nasir Tower Holding No 269,LGED mor,Doshani main road,9300,Bagerhat Sader,Bagerhat,Map Link >>+88018100996699.30 a.m.6.00 p.m.
3DEX Chuadanga StationMahabub Mansion, College Road, Near of Jannatul Mawa Koborshtan, Chuadanga Sadar, Chuadanga.Map Link >>+88018949277409.30 a.m.6.00 p.m.
4DEX Jashore StationHouse No#215,Ramkrishna ashrom Road, Jashore-7400Map Link >>+88018100996629.30 a.m.6.00 p.m.
5DEX Jhenaidah StationHolding No:-110/4, HSS Road, Kanconnagar, Modern Mor, Jhenaidah, 7300Map Link >>+88018100996649.30 a.m.6.00 p.m.
6DEX Kushtia Station45 M M Road, Bozlur Mor, Arua Para, KushtiaMap Link >>+88018100996579.30 a.m.6.00 p.m.
7DEX Magura StationVill: Vaina, Chopdar para, Magura 7600 , Magura Sadar, MaguraMap Link >>+88018100996789.30 a.m.6.00 p.m.
8DEX Meherpur StationHolding number-151Post code-7100Road number-N/ARoad Name: College Road,Meherpur Sadar Meherpur.Map Link >>+88018949277429.30 a.m.6.00 p.m.
9DEX Narail StationMollah Market (2nd Floor), Bhawakhali, Sadar Hospital Road, Narail-7500Map Link >>+88018949277439.30 a.m.6.00 p.m.
10DEX Satkhira StationP.N School & College Road, West Dighirpar, Pranshayer, Sathkhira.Map Link >>+88018100996619.30 a.m.6.00 p.m.


Sl NoHub NameHub AddressGoogle Map LinkContact NumberOpen TimeClose Time
1DEX Mymensingh Station23 No. Sehra, (Opposite of Purobi Cinnema Hall), Dhaka Road, Sehora, Mymensingh – 2200.Map Link >>+88018100996369.30 a.m.6.00 p.m.
2DEX Jamalpur StationBlue Bird Kindergarten School Road, Bojapur, Jamalpur Sadar, JamalpurMap Link >>+88018100996389.30 a.m.6.00 p.m.
3DEX Sherpur StationKhowarpar Shapla Chattar,Sonar Bangla Bus Stand Road, West Gauripur, Sherpur Town, Sherpur (Old Nayantari Eye Hospital Building)Map Link >>+88018100996769.30 a.m.6.00 p.m.
4DEX Netrakona StationHouse:- 918, Helal Plaza, Arambagh more, Netrokona Sadar, Netrokona.24.880822,Map Link >>+88018949277519.30 a.m.6.00 p.m.


Sl NoHub NameHub AddressGoogle Map LinkContact NumberOpen TimeClose time
1DEX Rajshahi StationKhanbari (Holding No 206) inside of Soccho Tower, Alupotti, RajshahiMap Link >>+88018100996679.30 a.m.6.00 p.m.
2DEX Bagura StationBagicha Mohal , House No: 379 , D.C Bari Road, Malti-Nagar, Bogura-5800Map Link >>+88018100996709.30 a.m.6.00 p.m.
3DEX Sirajganj StationVill:-Hossainpur (MA Motin Road) Thana:-Sirajgonj Sadar, Post:-Sirajgonj Sadar, District:- Sirajgonj, 6700Map Link >>+88018100996689.30 a.m.6.00 p.m.
4DEX Joypurhat StationDewan vila,Hatil Garikanto More,Sadar Rasta,Joypurhat Sadar,JoypurhatMap Link >>+88018949277449.30 a.m.6.00 p.m.
5DEX Pabna StationAmena Hatem Garden, House:B/30,Blok-G,Road-Sadar Hospital Road,Shalgariya, PabnaMap Link >>+88018100996669.30 a.m.6.00 p.m.
6DEX Chapai Nawabganj StationMofiz Vhaban, 72 Hujrapur, Jhilim Road, Jolojog mor, Chapai Nababganj.Map Link >>+88018100996749.30 a.m.6.00 p.m.
7DEX Natore StationNear N S Government College, Dhaka Natore Highway Road, Natore Sadar, Natore.24.411688,Map Link >>+88018949277509.30 a.m.6.00 p.m.
8DEX Naogaon StationMansura Complex, Chalkbiram, On the west side of the police line, Naogaon Sadar-6500, NaogaonMap Link >>+88018100996659.30 a.m.6.00 p.m.
9DEX Ishwardi StationVill: Dorinarica ,Road : Thana para Road ,House Name : Oyad ali Biswas vila,Holding No : 227/189,Post office more ,Ishwardi ,PabnaMap Link >>N/A9.30 a.m.6.00 p.m.


Sl NoHub NameHub AddressGoogle Map LinkContact NumberOpen TimeClose Time
1DEX Rangpur StationHouse No-97, Road No-1, Salma Mojid Commercial Tower, Alamnagor, Station Road, Rangpur.Map Link >>+88018100996599.30 a.m.6.00 p.m.
2DEX Dinajpur StationHolding No. 420 Neemnagar Balubari. Sadar. Dinajpur. Post code 5200(new)Map Link >>+88018100996569.30 a.m.6.00 p.m.
3DEX Gaibandha StationHouse:-44, V-aid Road, Khandokar mor, Gaibandha Sadar, Gaibandha.Map Link >>+88018100996609.30 a.m.6.00 p.m.
4DEX Kurigram StationBanik Plazza, Kalibari Bazar Road, Kurigram Sadar, KurigramMap Link >>+88018100996759.30 a.m.6.00 p.m.
5DEX Lalmonirhat StationHouse:4,Road:4,Word:3,Stadium Road, Lalmonirhat Sadar, Lalmonirhat.Map Link >>+88018949277419.30 a.m.6.00 p.m.
6DEX Nilphamari StationKalitola, Moshiur Rahman Degree College, Songlogno, Saidpur Road, Word no- 9, Saidpur.Map Link >>+88018100996779.30 a.m.6.00 p.m.
7DEX Panchagarh StationPatwari Plaza, 1st Floor, Old Panchagarh , Dhakkamara (Near Central Bus Terminal), Panchagarh-5000, Panchagarh.Map Link >>+88018949277469.30 a.m.6.00 p.m.
8DEX Thakurgaon StationHajipara Circuit House Road, Opposite side of Police Fari, Thakurgaon sadar, ThakurgaonMap Link >>+88018100996589.30 a.m.6.00 p.m.


Sl NoHub NameHub AddressGoogle Map LinkContact NumberOpen TimeClose Time
1DEX Sylhet StationHouse No- A/2, Rahman Tower, Ground Floor, Naiorpool, Beside Osmani Jadughor, Sylhet-3100.Map Link >>+88018100996539.30 a.m.6.00 p.m.
2DEX Surma StationHouse No-Badal Hoshen Complex,Chandipul, Dakkhin Shurma, Sylhet-3100Map Link >>+88018605108749.30 a.m.6.00 p.m.
3DEX Moulvibazar StationCenter Point, 44 Dhaka-Sylhet Road, Moulvibazar -3200.Map Link >>+88018100996549.30 a.m.6.00 p.m.
4DEX Habiganj StationHolding no:2005, Ram Krisno mission Road, Ghatia Bazar, Habigonj Sadar, Habigonj.Map Link >>+88018100996559.30 a.m.6.00 p.m.
5DEX Sunamganj StationTrafic point ( Neza Plaza 1st Floor) Sunamganj sadar , Sunamganj.Map Link >>+88018949277399.30 a.m.6.00 p.m.


Sl NoHub NameHub AddressGoogle Map LinkContact NumberOpen TimeClose Time
1DEX Barishal StationHouse -11,Bismillah Bhavan,Kazipara Tematha,Baiddapara,Word No-20,Barishal-8200Map Link >>+88018100996489.30 a.m.6.00 p.m.
2DEX Patuakhali StationHouse:-296, Road:- Youth club Road(West of Nur General Hospital), Post:-Potuakhali-8600, Patuakhali Sadar, Patuakhali.Map Link >>+88018100996499.30 a.m.6.00 p.m.
3DEX Jhalokati StationMannan House, Chamta Market,344 College Road More, Highway Jhalokathi Sadar Jhalokati22.650177,Map Link >>+88018949277489.30 a.m.6.00 p.m.
4DEX Barguna StationRifat Monjil, House :-91, Word No:-4, DKP Road, Barguna Sadar, Barguna.Map Link >>+88018100996519.30 a.m.6.00 p.m.
5DEX Bhola StationHouse No# 1427-00, Road No# Word no-6 Dorga Road, Post Code 8300,Bhola Sadar Road. BholaMap Link >>+88018100996509.30 a.m.6.00 p.m.
6DEX Pirojpur StationParerhat Road (Mp er more ), Near of SA Paribahan, Ground floor of Krishi Bank Audit Office, {Holding-250}, Pirojpur.Map Link >>+88018100996529.30 a.m.6.00 p.m.

Want to know about Daraz Collection Point / Pick-Up Point Addresses? Have a look at your suitable locations! Know how to get benefits at the Daraz pick-up point.

Shopping done from Daraz? Make a visit for the latest deals and discount offers on Daraz online shopping website or Daraz App.  You can also check your order status by using Daraz bd dex tracking. Now shopping for groceries at low cost is very much easy in Daraz Mart – the popular Online Grocery Shop in the country.

>>How to collect products from collection points of Daraz?<<

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To learn more about the info on Daraz collection points or pick-up locations, you can visit the Daraz help center.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How do I select a Daraz Collection Point for my order?

When you place an order on Daraz, you will be given the option to choose a delivery method. You can select “Daraz Collection Point” and then choose a location that is convenient for you.

Is there a fee for using a Daraz Collection Point?

Yes, there’s a 25/- fee (It may vary based on specific products) for using a Daraz Collection Point. However, there may be shipping fees associated with your order depending on the seller and the location of the Collection Point.

How long do I have to pick up my order from a Daraz Collection Point?

You typically have seven days to pick up your order from a Daraz Collection Point. If you do not pick up your order within this time frame, it will be returned to the seller.

Can someone else pick up my order from a Daraz Collection Point on my behalf?

Yes, you can authorize someone else to pick up your order from a Daraz Collection Point. They will need to bring a copy of their ID and the Daraz order confirmation number.

How many Daraz Collection Points are there?

Daraz has a growing network of Collection Points throughout the countries it operates in. You can check the Daraz website or app to find the nearest Collection Points to your location.

What happens if my order is not available at the Daraz Collection Point I selected?

If your order is not available at the Collection Point you selected, Daraz will contact you to arrange an alternative pickup location or delivery option.

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Read also: Save Big on Daraz: Enjoy All Free Delivery Offers

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How To Pay With The Online 0% EMI At Daraz? 0 4521

buy product with 0% emi at daraz
Last updated on January 8th, 2024 at 03:37 pm

Want to pay with EMI while shopping online at Daraz? The good news is waiting for you here! Now you can pay through the easiest online 0% EMI policy for the installment during the Daraz online shopping in Bangladesh.

Simple Process to Pay with 0% EMI Online

Step 1: Ensure only one Product is in Your Cart

⇒ Your order should contain only one product with a minimum value of BDT 10,000.

Step 2: Select Payment Method

⇒ Select Installment as your payment method during checkout.

Step 3: Select Your EMI Plan

⇒ Select Bank, EMI Tenure, and enter your card details.

Step 4: Place your order

⇒ Input your OTP received through SMS or email and place your order.

N.B: It takes up to 7 working days for your EMI plan to be activated and you will receive an SMS from your bank once this is done.

For more info, visit the Daraz EMI Partner page now. Grab delicious deals from the Daraz now. Know more about the buying guide to enhance the shopping experience.

>>Daraz Installment Plan for Safe Online Shopping<<

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