What’s your New Year Resolution?

New Year is just around the corner. It is high time that you sit with pen and paper and make list of your new year’s resolution. Once you are done with the list, then comes the most important part, to get fully equipped to meet your new year’s resolution.


That is why Daraz is here! Daraz brings New Year Sales offer. Where you can choose from our twelve resolutions to shop at a discounted rate to make yourself fully equipped to fulfill your promises to yourself.


Get up to 47% discount on mobile phones to stay connected with your loved ones. If you don’t want to miss all the amazing movies releasing on 2016, then replace your TV today and get a new TV up to 38% off.

Make your life a bit more comfortable with new home appliances. Buy home appliances from Daraz up to 31% discount on this New Year’s Eve.

Whatever your New Year resolution is Daraz is here to get you fully equipped to reach your goals. Shop Here!

Celebrate Victory Day: Win by Shopping at Daraz


On the occasion of  44 years of liberation, we once again celebrate Victory Day at Daraz.com.bd this time with superb offers of up to 70% off for its customers.

Up to 40% off will be given on general merchandise. That means you will find 40% discount on mobile phone, tablets, TV, mobile phone accessories.  Brands like Symphony, Lenovo, Toshiba, Samsung are participating during the Victory Day sale.

If you are a fashion lover, we have up to 70% discount on  great brands like Doors, Wood and Pecker, Marque Executif, Raid International, Watches World, Jennys and lot more.

Now that winter is here, it’s the ideal time buy some fashionable winter wear. Don’t just wait, grab the best deals now.

That is not all!  We understand the value of freedom. That is why if you order anything on Victory Day you will get FREE delivery on all kind of products.

Hurry up, offer will last only till 18 December 2015.

Wishing you all Happy Victory Day and Happy Shopping! 


ফাটাফাটি ফ্রাইডে দিয়ে ই-কমার্সে ইতিহাস গড়ল দারাজ- বাংলাদেশের একদিনের সেলসের সব রেকর্ড ভঙ্গ

ডিসেম্বরের ৪ তারিখ দেশের শীর্ষস্থানীয় ই-কমার্স দারাজ ও রবি একসাথে আয়োজন করে বছরের সবচেয়ে বড় সেলস ইভেন্ট “ফাটাফাটি ফ্রাইডে” যেখানে বাংলাদেশের ই-কমার্সের ইতিহাসে রেকর্ড ব্রেকিং শপিং করেন গ্রাহকরা।
অভাবনীয় সব ডিলের অপেক্ষায় গ্রাহকরা রাত ১২ টা বাজার আগের থেকেই https://www.daraz.com.bd/fatafati-friday/ পেইজে অপেক্ষা করতে থাকে বছরের সেরা ডিলটি খুঁজে নিতে। প্রায় ১ মিলিয়ন মানুষ ফাটাফাটি ফ্রাইডের দিন দারাজের ওয়েবসাইট ভিজিট করে। যেকোনো সাধারণ দিনের থেকে প্রায় ৮০% বেশি অর্ডার ফাটাফাটি ফ্রাইডেতে পেয়ে দারাজ তাদের সর্বসময়ের সব রেকর্ডের উর্ধে উঠে আসে।

এই ইভেন্টে বড় অংকের ছাড় পাওয়া যায় মোবাইল ফোন, টিভি,ফ্যাশন, হোম অ্যাপলায়েন্স সহ প্রায় সব ক্যাটাগরির প্রডাক্টের উপর। সব মিলিয়ে প্রায় ৭০ মিলিয়ন টাকার সমপরিমাণ ছাড় দেয়া হয়েছে ফাটাফাটি ফ্রাইডেতে। ৫০% বেচাকেনা হয় শুধুমাত্র মোবাইল ফোনের উপর। যার মধ্যে স্যামসাং এস ৬ এজের মতো ফ্ল্যাগসিপ ফোন সব বিক্রিয় হয়ে যায় ফাটাফাটি ফ্রাইডে শুরু হওয়ার মাত্র ২০ মিনিটের মধ্যে। ফ্যাশন পণ্যে, যেগুলো প্রায় প্রতিদিনই দারাজে ভালো বিক্রি হয়; ফাটাফাটি ফ্রাইডের দিন দারাজের ফ্যাশন পন্যের বিক্রয়ের পরিমাণ দাড়ায় প্রায় তিন মাসের সমপরিমান। যার মধ্যে সবথেকে বেশি বিক্রয় হয় ফ্ল্যাশ সেলে অংশগ্রহণকারী ফ্যাশন ব্র্যান্ড ডোরসের পণ্য। ডোরসের পরেই ফ্যাশন ক্যাটাগরির মধ্যে সবথেকে বেশি বিক্রয় হয় ওয়াচেস ওয়ার্ল্ডের ঘড়ি যা ফাটাফাটি ফ্রাইডে শুরু হওয়ার ১২ ঘণ্টার মধ্যে সোল্ড আউট হয়ে যায়।
এছাড়াও দারাজ আরও জানায় তারা এ যাবৎ কালের সবথেকে বেশি ফ্রিজ, টিভি, ওয়াশিং মেশিন বিক্রিয় করতে সক্ষম হয় ফাটাফাটি ফ্রাইডেতে। ঢাকা ও চট্টগ্রাম থেকে প্রায় ৭০% অর্ডার আসে, বাকি ৩০% আসে সারাদেশ মিলিয়ে।

এর আগে দারাজ ডট কম ডট বিডি ও ইজিপেওয়ে গ্রাহকদের জন্য ডাবল টাকা ভাউচারের ব্যাবস্থা করে। ডাবল টাকা ভাউচার অনলাইনে ক্রেডিট/ডেবিট কার্ডের মাধ্যমে ক্রয় করে ক্রেতারা ভাউচারের মূল্যের থেকে দ্বিগুণ মূল্যের শপিং করতে পেরেছে এই ফাটাফাটি ফ্রাইডেতে। মজার ব্যাপার হচ্ছে, সবকয়টি ডাবল টাকা ভাউচার বিক্রি হয়ে যায় অফার করার ২ দিনের মধ্যে এবং সব কয়টি ডাবল টাকা ভাউচার ব্যবহৃত হয় ফাটাফাটি ফ্রাইডে শুরু হওয়ার ২ ঘণ্টার মধ্যে। উল্লেখযোগ্য ব্যাপার হল, ফাটাফাটি ফ্রাইডেতে প্রায় ২০% ক্রেতার সমাগম ঘটে দারাজের অ্যাপ থেকে।

ইজিপেওয়ের মতই অন্যান্যদের সাথেও ফাটাফাটি ফ্রাইডেতে দারাজের পার্টনারশিপ ছিল সফল। আসাধারন পন্যের বড় আকারের স্টক নিয়ে সনি, এল জি, মাইক্রোসফট, এসার অংশগ্রহণ করলেও খুব অল্প সময়ে স্টক আউট হয়ে যায় তাদের। এপেক্স, বাটা, ইয়োলো, লা রেভ ছিল হট পন্যের তালিকায় অন্যতম।
দারাজ বাংলাদেশ লিঃ – এর সি ই ও সুমিত সিং বলেন, “যেভাবে আমাদের বিক্রেতা ও ভেন্ডররা তাদের অক্লান্ত পরিশ্রমের মাধ্যমে আমদের উপর বিশ্বাস রেখেছে ও সহযোগিতা করেছে, তা থেকে মানুষের যে দারাজের উপর আস্থা আছে তা মেনে নিতে কোন কষ্ট হবার কথা নয়। দারাজ খুব অল্প সময়ে অনলাইনে ক্রেতা ও বিক্রেতা উভয়ের লাভের জন্য একটি প্লাটফর্ম হিসেবে পরিচিত হতে বদ্ধপরিকর।“


Daraz makes ecommerce history with Fatafati Friday

Daraz makes e-commerce history with Fatafati Friday, breaking all one-day sale records ever in Bangladesh.

Fatafati Friday, the biggest sale of the year launched by leading e-commerce platform, Daraz.com.bd, in partnership with Robi, has broken all sale records ever in Bangladesh.

The shopping frenzy started at 12 am on December 4th at https://www.daraz.com.bd/fatafati-friday/and there was an influx of thousands of people out in the battlefield to avail the best deals. With record-breaking 1 million visits on the website and 80 times more orders than a regular shopping day, Daraz.com.bd is at an all-time high.

Shoppers enjoyed incredible deals on phones, TVs, fashion, appliances and more, availing a total of Taka 70 million worth of discounts from the company. The deals were a massive hit. 50% of the sales came from smartphones alone. Among flagship phones, the company sold out of the Samsung S6 Edge within 20 minutes, which were available at 50% discount, and fashion items including men’s clothing and accessories sold on the day were equivalent to the sale made in three months even though Fashion and Beauty are strong categories on a regular day as well. The Doors Flash Sale,which started from 8 pm ‘til midnight was by far the best performer on the fashion floor, followed closely by the amazing watches from Watches World which sold out within the first 12 hours.




Daraz.com.bd also revealed that it sold more fridges, washing machines and gaming consoles on Black Friday than it has in the history of Daraz. 70% of orders on Fatafati Friday were from Dhaka and Chittagong respectively, and the rest were all from other Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities.

Interestingly, Daraz launched Double Taka Voucher with EasyPayWay where consumers who paid online using Credit/Debit card would get double the value spent which the customers could use during FataFati Friday. The Double Taka vouchers sold out in just 2 days of the launch and all these vouchers were used within 2 hours of the start of the sale. Another interesting observation was the spike in the use of the mobile app – 20% of the total visits on Daraz.com.bd were on the Daraz app.

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While the EasyPayWay partnership was evidently successful, other partnerships were also a good way to go. Large number of amazing products from Microsoft, LG, Sony were sold out within a few hours; Apex, Bata, Acer and Home Appliances were hot commodities during the campaign as well.

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Sumeet Singh, CEO and Co-founder of Daraz Bangladesh Ltd. States, “The way all our vendors supported us with their unconditional trust and uncontested cooperation goes to show the dedication, hard work and faith everyone has in Daraz’s ability to create a platform where buyers and sellers both benefit. We are also grateful to the media for standing by our side throughout the ups and downs of this record-breaking campaign”


It would be safe to say that it’s not just the online sphere where Daraz.com.bd has a strong market hold – it has an incredibly strong position in retail on the whole.



Click here to download the full Info-Graphic 


Only a few more hours to go ‘til the Biggest Sale of the year- FATAFATI FRIDAY. If you are all pumped up for the shopping megathon then these are some MUST KNOW tips which are going to help you shop better!


If you still haven’t marked the date then this point is very crucial for you. Mark December 4th on your calendar.


To have a better idea about the upcoming deals visit the FATAFATI Friday Landing Page NOW!

Make your wish list. Look at your closet, look at your room, get a pen and paper and jot down whatever you need on your wish list. Search products according to your wish list on daraz.com.bd and if you like it then “save it for later”.
Save your salary, keep your internet connection up and Download the Daraz App for convenience. Use the app and get used to the Daraz App interface to surf faster during FATAFATI Friday.
If you are a fashion lover then you definitely don’t want to miss the FLASH SALE. The FLASH SALE will be an amazing opportunity to enjoy flat 80% discount on all Doors products.

If you are looking forward to buying a handset then you can walk into your nearest RobiWiC (Walk in Center) and pay at the counter to get instant delivery of your mobile handset. Also, you can get huge discounts on Robi bundles as well.

If you were following us regularly and bought any of our Double Taka Vouchers then don’t forget to use your voucher while you are checking out from your cart. Your voucher amount will be doubled during FATAFATI Friday and you will be able to save double the amount of your investment during FATFATI Friday.

If you are still not excited about FATAFATI Friday here is a potato to stare for you
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Shop on FATFATI Friday HERE


Daraz is bringing FLAT 80% DISCOUNT FLASH SALE

Just like the superhero FLASH, our FLASH sale will come and go within a blink of an eye and leave you wondering “WOW”

Worldwide, a flash sale is a discount or promotion offered by an ecommerce store for a short period of time. The quantity is limited, which often means the discounts are higher or more significant than run-of-the-mill promotions.

That means the fastest finger first will win the best deals. Daraz is going to introduce the flash sale during FATAFATI Friday for the first time in Bangladesh. There will be flat 80% discount on all the products of renowned fashion brand Doors.

There will be up to 70% discount on all the fashion products during FATAFATI Friday from 12 am December 4. The flash sale will appear as a show-stopper for the fashion lovers from 8pm-12am on FATAFATI Friday. Shirts, T-shirts, Jackets, Shoes, Salwar Kameez, Shrugs, Coats, Jeans, Tops, every item from Doors will be available at flat 80% discount.

So save up, gear up and be prepared to take your fashion to a next level.

Daraz at Diwali- the Festival of Lights


Diwali- the festival of lights was organized by the  High Commission of India on 20th November, 2015 at a 5 star hotel in the city. Daraz Bangladesh Ltd.attended the event and promoted the biggest sale of the year FATAFATI Friday coming soon on 4th December only on daraz.con.bd.

During the event, Daraz held the first screening of the exclusive FATAFATI Friday video. The highlight of the event was the raffle draw where biggest prize was an iPhone 6 which was sponsored by daraz.com.bd.
Daraz got to interact with its audience during the event, answered their questions about daraz.com.bd, introduced FATAFATI Friday, and displayed the unreleased video of FATAFATI Friday.

Daraz brings Double Taka Voucher for FATAFATI Friday


For the first time in Bangladesh daraz.com.bd is bringing the concept of Black Friday in the name of FATAFATI Friday on 4 December, 2015.  On FATAFATI Friday there will be unbelievable discounts on each and every category of the product available on Daraz. 30% to 70% discounts will be offered on your favorite brands and more. Brands like Samsung, HP, Lenovo, Microsoft, Bata, Apex, including top fashion brands are participating at the biggest sale of the year.

Daraz always intends to give the best deals to its customer base, with their Cash on Delivery method, it ensures a reliable and hassle-free customer experience. Therefore, to make FATAFATI Friday even more fatafati, Daraz is introducing Double Taka Voucher.

What is Double Taka Voucher?

The Double Taka Voucher can only be purchased online from daraz.com.bd using your credit/debit card. It is available now and will only be sold until November 25th, midnight. The voucher will be applicable from midnight of December 4. This voucher will give you double the value of its purchase value. Which means, if you buy a 10,000 Taka voucher and exercise it during FATAFATI Friday, you will get 20,000 Taka off. Not to mention you will also be getting all the crazy discounts and deals available only on FATAFATI Friday, on top of the voucher discount.

Categories of Double Taka Voucher 

Daraz is bringing 4 types of Double Taka Voucher starting from 1000 Taka. Check out voucher details below.

Voucher Name Customer Pays TK Voucher Value TK on FATAFATI Friday Minimum Purchase Amount to Exercise the Voucher
1000 TK Voucher 1,000 2,000 2,000 TK Product
2000 TK Voucher 2,000 4,000 4,000 TK Product
5000 TK Voucher 5,000 10,000 10,000 TK Product
10000 TK Voucher 10,000 20,000 20,000 TK Product

How Double Taka Voucher Works?

  1. Visit the Double Taka Voucher page, Click here
  2. Place your Double Taka Voucher order using your debit/credit card
  3. The voucher will be delivered to you via e-mail within 3 hours of placing your order. Please note, THERE IS NO PHYSICAL DELIVERY OF VOUCHERS
  4. The voucher is pre-paid orders only paid via credit/debit card
  5. The vouchers are inactive now but will be double the value of the paid price during FATAFATI Friday Sale from December 4, 2015 from midnight to midnight
  6. The voucher can be applied on check-out point
  7. This deal is not applicable to cash on delivery
  8. One voucher per-person, multiple purchases are not allowed

So don’t wait, purchase the Double Taka Voucher NOW and get double the discount only on FATAFATI Friday, November 27th on daraz.com.bd.

Read more about, FATAFATI Friday