নাস্তায় নতুনত্ব আনতে বাইরের খাবারের উপর ভরসা আর কত দিন? তার উপর তেল সহ অন্যান্য রান্না উপকরণের ব্যবহার নিয়ে তো দুশ্চিন্তা রয়েই যায়। এত কিছু ভাবার পর আপনার মাথায় মনের অজান্তেই চিন্তা চলে আসতে পারে, পছন্দের সব ধরণের মুখরোচক খাবার যদি তৈরী করা যেত বাসায়! হ্যা, এখন ঘরে বসেই মজাদার কুমড়া পাকোড়া কোন প্রকার ঝামেলা ছাড়াই বানিয়ে ফেলা সম্ভব। এজন্য দেখে নিতে পারেন আমাদের সহজ কুমড়া পাকোড়া রেসিপিটি।
ফুড রেসিপিঃ কুমড়া পাকোড়া রেসিপি
প্রয়োজনীয় উপকরণ সমূহঃ
পিঁয়াজ কুঁচি ১টি
মিষ্টি কুমড়া ১ কাপ (ঝাঁঝরি করা)
লবন ১ চা চামচ
গোলমরিচ/হেলিপিনো কুঁচি ১টি
জিরা ১ চা চামচ
কালো জিরা ১ চা চামচ
আদা কুঁচি ১ চা চামচ
হলুদ গুঁড়া ১/২ চা চামচ
লবন ১ চা চামচ
বেসন ৩/৪ কাপ
চালের গুঁড়া ১ টেবিল চামচ
রোজমেরি/ ধনে পাতা ২ টেবিল চামচ
চাট মসলা
প্রস্তুত প্রনালীঃ
একটি বড় মিক্সিং বোলে পিঁয়াজকুচি, ঝাঁঝরি করা কুমড়া, লবন দিয়ে ভালো করে মাখিয়ে নিন। এতে জিরা, কালোজিরা, আদা কুঁচি, হলুদ গুঁড়া মিশিয়ে নিন। এরপর মিশ্রণটিতে বেসন, চালের গুঁড়া ও ১/৩ কাপ পানি মিশিয়ে নিন। ঝামেলা এড়াতে ব্লেন্ডার মেশিন অথবা মিক্সার এর সাহায্য নিতে পারেন।
মিশ্রনের সাথে রোজমেরি পাউডার মিশিয়ে নিন। একটি প্যানে তেল গরম করুন। গরম তেলে মিশ্রণটি একটু একটু নিয়ে ভেজে নিন। ব্যস তৈরী হয়ে গেলো মজাদার কুমড়া পাকোড়া। যদি পাকোড়া ফ্রিজ -এ রেখে খেতে চান, তবে সাথে সাথেই না খেয়ে খাবারটি স্বাভাবিক তাপমাত্রায় নিয়ে খাওয়াটাই স্বাস্থ্যের জন্য ভাল বলে বিবেচিত।
Shuvo Roy, an enthusiastic Content Writer & Researcher, has expertise in several industries, especially in IT, Software & E-commerce. Moreover, he is a strategic planner.
Shuvo Roy, an enthusiastic Content Writer & Researcher, has expertise in several industries, especially in IT, Software & E-commerce. Moreover, he is a strategic planner.
Whether you are beauty-conscious or having trouble taking care of your oily skin, you must use the best night cream for oily skin in Bangladesh. Like many good skin-care products, there are many night creams for oily skin to choose from.
For a nighttime cream, you want something more vibrant and heavier that will immerse into the skin nicely as time passes overnight. These formulas are ideally enhanced with key ingredients like ceramides, which increase the collagen production of the skin, and necessary antioxidants like vitamins A, C, and E. A night cream is the best approach to amp up the repair sequence of your skin.
However, finding the right night cream for oily skin isn’t an easy task. It needs to be light and hydrating so that you don’t wake up with an oily face. Therefore, you must choose the best oily skin night cream to use.
Women’s daily, all-in-one face moisturizer. Fights seven aging indicators for skin that looks younger. Rejuvenates skin by minimizing the appearance of pores, dryness, dullness, age spots, fine lines, wrinkles, and uneven texture. Effective Ingredients: Vitamin B3, Vitamin B5, Vitamin C&E, Green Tea Extract.
Porcelana is one of the prominent brands of skincare cream. Porcelana Night Cream eliminates the oily feeling of skin. This night cream is also safe for your sensitive skin as there are no harmful ingredients in it. Goat Milk Extract and moisturizing factors can be useful to increase the hydration and luminosity of your skin.
Use Simple Kind To Skin Vital Vitamin Night Cream before bed after removing your makeup. It has the optimal combination of nutrients to help replenish and restore your skin throughout the night. Using a night cream is an easy, simple way to help care for our skin and get it ready for the next day. When we sleep, we give our skin the ideal time to recuperate and repair.
Lotus Herbal Night Cream is a popular anti-aging night cream for all types of skin, especially oily skin. This intensive moisture gold caviar oily skin night cream is nourished and leaves skin looking healthy & radiant while. Lotus Night Cream is a luxurious cream that will give pleasure, glowing radiant over the night.
Garnier Bright Complete Yogurt Night Cream has pure lemon essence and real peeling fruit extracts that help peel off dark cells overnight. The unique texture of Garnier night cream moisturizes and nourishes your skin overnight, leaving it clean, prettier, and smooth. You can surely have improved oily skin by using this cream regularly.
From the above-mentioned list, which one is your favorite? Let us know by commenting below. And don’t forget to visit Daraz’s online shop for exciting deals on other health and beauty products.
Don’t miss out on the top deals of the year! Mark your calendar, set your reminders, and get ready for the shopping spree of a lifetime.
An SEO content writer, optimizer, and digital marketer who enjoys working with the chemistry of content, marketing, and audience. Personally, I believe that CREATIVE THINKING is the best part of living as a human. Not only a quick learner but also a curious soul of the time.
Moisturizer is a substance that contains oil, water, and other components that help to solve skin hydration problems by retaining moisture in the skin. The best quality moisturizers are available on the market based on your skin type like moisturizers for oily skin, dry skin, and sensitive skin.
Searching for the Best Moisturizers For Oily Skin? Explore Our List of the Best Face Moisturisers for Oily Skin. Daraz provides genuine skincare items from various brands. Now you can get moisturizers for all types of skin on this online shop at the best price in Bangladesh.
Top 5 Moisturizers for Oily Skin
There are many renowned brands that are offering oily skin moisturizers. You can easily find the best moisturizer for oily skin in Bangladesh. So let’s have a quick look at the top-quality moisturizer for oily skin in Bangladesh.
1) Neutrogena Clear & Defend Oil-Free Moisturiser
Neutrogena is an American brand of skincare products. This Neutrogena moisturizer is both alcohol and oil-free. It also contains glycerin and hyaluronic acid- which can hydrate the skin without the need for emollients that may feel too thick for oily skin.
When it comes to oil-free moisturizers, Neutrogena is something that is inevitable as it is one of the best moisturizers for oily skin. Neutrogena Oil-Free Face Moisturizer is also lightweight and very effective for oily skin. Many people love Nueotrogena for its quality.
Beauty Formulas Brightening Vitamin C Daily Moisturizer is a fresh and lightweight cream formula that will give your oily skin a daily boost of brightness and hydration. Vitamin C awakens and purifies your complexion and reveals a natural healthy-looking glow.
Simple is also a renowned skincare brand. Simple Kind to Skin Replenishing Rich Moisturiser instantly doubles your skin’s hydration. It works for up to 24 hours, leaving your skin feeling silky and nourished all day. Daily applying this moisturizer to your oily skin can really help you to have healthy, soft, and glowing skin.
A moisturizing cream that helps repair the skin barrier with a yogurt-like texture. The product contains fermented yogurt. Lactobacillus, including lactose, lactopropoline, and minerals contains a high nutritional value and contains immunoglobulin.
When skin lacks sebum (that naturally keeps your skin hydrated), moisturizer is an external help to keep your skin healthy and hydrated. Moisturizer helps to prevent dryness in the skin. It protects sensitive skin and improves skin tone and texture. Using a moisturizer daily is one of the number one keys to having healthy, glowing skin no matter what season, age, or skin type you have.
Does oily skin need moisturizer too?
Many people think that there is no need to use moisturizer for oily skin. But it’s totally wrong. People with oily skin need to realize that they still need to moisturize to help with the overall health, texture, and appearance of their skin. You can surely get the best moisturizer cream suitable for oily skin for both men and women to protect your skin.
Don’t miss out on the top deals of the year! Mark your calendar, set your reminders, and get ready for the shopping spree of a lifetime.
You can visit Daraz’s online shopping website and app for a more high-quality collection of the best oily skin moisturizers and skincare products. Find lots of FMCG and groceries at Daraz Mart – Online Grocery Shop with delicious deals.
An SEO content writer, optimizer, and digital marketer who enjoys working with the chemistry of content, marketing, and audience. Personally, I believe that CREATIVE THINKING is the best part of living as a human. Not only a quick learner but also a curious soul of the time.