Through the re-branding process, the new daraz mobile app is coming with eight special app features. From this app, now buyers can access all the timely facilities. It is surely confirmed that no updates can be missed anymore. The special facility is to access the seller center along with top up and daraz e-store wallet as well as product recommendations, wishlist and follow up store, official stores (Daraz Malls), daily flash sale and so on. So, these new features can make your online shopping more easier for sure.
Shopping with Daraz App will never be so boring, some new features of Daraz App is on going…
1. Top up & e-store through Daraz Wallet:
Through this new feature of Daraz App, now you can pay through Daraz Wallet, where you can top up your mobile and also enjoy the e-store service of Daraz Wallet.
2. Collections: 
Daraz App will definitely change your online shopping experience. From this app now you can be able to see all collection of Daraz under one floor and this must be remained through unique categorised system.
3. Daily Flash Sales:
You can never be missed any update of any flash sale now, Daraz will notify you about all the flash sales news through Daraz App.
4. Seller Center: 
The main striking point is to access the Seller Center with Daraz App. Now sellers can enjoy all the facilities related their products from this Daraz App.
5. Product Recommendations:
Daraz App knows your choice and for this Daraz App will recommend you those products for which you desire most. Again the most important thing is Daraz will recommend you the newly arrived products also so that you can be in touch of every product.
6. Official Stores (Daraz Malls): 
You can now check out the official stores of Daraz also which are actually known as Daraz Malls.
7. Easy Check Out:
The check out process of products from cart is now easier more in Daraz App. So, you will enjoy an effortless experience while buying products.
8. Wishlist and Follow Up Store: 
The most interesting facility which can serve you beyond of your expectation is the product wishlist. This can help you to choose the wanted products more easily. By the blessing of Daraz Mobile App, now you can enjoy the follow up stores also.
So, it’s the high time to download the new Daraz Mobile App or update the existed one. Yet, there is no Daraz app for pc or windows phone exists, but it’s pretty sure that pc app(.exe) will come near future. For more info, please visit Daraz official website (Daraz.com.bd) and never miss any update on best offers and deals.
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