Choose Unilever Products From Daraz Mall at the Best Price in 2023!

Unilever, the biggest brand beyond any rate, has been serving our health and beauty sector for long years. Our limitless expectations always try to find out realistic brands with the exact purpose. And it’s known very well that Unilever is finely meeting all purposes with the same direction of the most value-added health and beauty category to simplify our lives for a fresh future.

Finding better deals? Keep engaged your smart minds here…

Suppose you measure the Unilever products circle in your life in most cases. In that case, category attachment will forecast skin care, hair care, and bath & body as same as the oral care and deodorants & body spray category lineup. So, your intense attempt to choose the right products will be simple as these categories are holding the breath of all Unilever brands with the officially certified proposition.

Best Quality Products for Your Daily Care at an Affordable Price; Unilever

Bath and Body

We cannot but ponder the necessity of the bath and body sector in our life as our everyday lifestyle roams around the huge demand for body soaps and shower gels on a regular process.

bath and body shop of Unilever

Body Soaps

As soap bars belong to immense popularity, Unilever has made sure various scent flavors such as fresh, lemongrass, woody & earthy and, warm & cool, and of course, many more. But the body soap and shower gel page can facilitate extra facilities.

Shower Gels

Nowadays, popularity is on a high volume for all sorts of body wash or shower gels, and cheap-rated products are also available with your favorite brands. Flavors can be identified in fresh, honey, and olive scents.

Brand ListProduct ListPrice Starts at
Lifebuoy Soap BarLux Body Wash৳ 161
LifebuoyLifeboy Soap Bar৳ 46
DoveDove Beauty Bar৳ 116

Hair Care

Elevate Your Hair Goals

Visit here to elevate your hair goals and explore the offers and best deals of Unilever Hair Care products:

  • Up To 47% Discount | Free Shipping | Super Voucher
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  • Grand Prize Worth Tk 200,000
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Are you devised enough for your unhealthy hair condition? If that is, then it’s high time to come back to Unilever’s hair care products. You can’t misdoubt about the quality they’ve already promised.

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There’s no doubt that shampoo is anti-dandruff and able to distract oil and dust from remaining hair silky. But options can’t be over thus easily as you may have discomfort with dry or frizzy hair as well as thick or curly hair. Now proper solutions can find you well with the top shampoo brands.

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How Tresemme | Dove | Sunsilk help you better than other Brands:

  • They help you achieve your personal goals.
  • Authentic & quality products at the best price.
  • They have formulas for each type of hair problem and work for all types of hair solutions.
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Hair Conditioner

To rescue the increased amount of hair fall, a better quality hair conditioner can help you more. However, natural conditioners, along with smooth oxygen moisture hair conditioners, are considered as good for hair health.

Brand ListProduct ListPrice Starts at
SunsilkSunsilk Shampoo৳ 50
ClearClear Anti Dandruff৳ 210
DoveDove Intense Repair৳ 145
TresemmeTresemme Smooth Shampoo৳ 403

Skin Care

It’s somehow impossible to find out someone not aware of their own skincare and benefits. Definitely, awareness is being increased into a higher portion of which moisturizer creams you’ll need the most. But facial cleansers can’t be neglected anymore as a huge impact is generally visualized in our regular lifestyle lead.

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The desired homecoming of the season, winter, is almost here, and the thing your dry skin will be needed the most is moisturizer creams at that time. Undoubtedly only cream and lotion can heal you perfectly and so you can torch in some of the use top quality face cream and body lotion according to variable demands.

Facial Cleansers

Everyone believes in an instant glow to kickstart a fresh day, so the expected quality of facial cleansers must be top-notch, as you cannot but avoid this daily commodity at any cost. A cheap price rate is in your court now to pick the best face wash.

Brand ListProduct ListPrice Starts at
Fair & LovelyFair & Lovely Face Cream৳ 82
Pond’sPond’s Face Wash৳ 55

Oral Care

In 2023, consciousness for oral care can’t be messed with anything. In fact, good oral health can easily revive the whole health mechanism. In the case of healthy oral conditions, dentists’ advice always goes for certified eminent brands, while people from Bangladesh can simply rely on Unilever actually.

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Basically, different types of toothpaste are required for different reasons as you may have different purposes for use. In a large view, anti-cavity toothpaste, freshness gel, sensitive expert, menthol fresh, germ-check, and much more toothpaste are engaged in top demand scale at the moment. So, whenever you want to shop for one of them, just make a mini cross-check accordingly.


The toothbrush is always sensitive and it varies from user to user. It’s very much usual if your comfort zone finds soft or extra soft toothbrushes, and Unilever can easily make sure of these.

Brand ListProduct ListPrice Starts at
PepsodentPepsodent Toothpaste৳ 45
CloseupCloseup Toothpaste৳ 45

Deodorants and Body Sprays

Like other personal care products, people from the subcontinent have much reliance on fragrances and deodorants tagged as Unilever. Basically, popularity facts, but quality also rules a lot.

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For deodorants and body sprays, Axe is the best and it’s literally true for our environment. But other body spray brands from Unilever are also examined as people always move on to newer products.


Anyone with elegant taste in fashion can’t say goodbye to any fragrance brand. But while it’s a matter of Unilever brands, only trust will be all about. In fact, once the best is always the best.

Brand ListProduct ListPrice Starts at
AxeAxe Signature Perfume৳ 130

But that’s not at all, as there are plenty of necessary Unilever products you can sort out at any time from the largest online marketplace Daraz Bangladesh. And as per your necessity for plenty of discount offers, surely won’t deprive you at any cost! Shopping done? Unilever or Daraz won’t mind if you can cordially make some image reviews of favorite Unilever products on

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