A Note to Our Facebook Fans – All 10 million of them
You heard that right; we are officially 10 million strong!
That’s more than the population of Singapore and Qatar combined. Now you know the population of Singapore and Qatar combined.
This community milestone has been achieved with your support, side by side, session after session, every click of the way.
Together, we are proof. Social proof that Bangladesh’s e-commerce turnaround is not only well under-way, but is going places. Places ranging from the remotest corners of Bangladesh to its pulsating metropolises.
What does a Like mean to us? For starters, it’s akin to a pulse: a validation of the fact that our diverse community of fans is active, engaged and watching our every move. This in turn spurs us on to greater heights of efficacy, customer experience and accountability.
A Like on our page is indicative of the growing web of trust in e-commerce. And we value the trust our customers place in our services. That trust is the lifeline of any and all e-commerce endeavors in Bangladesh.
And it’s why we do what we do. It’s why we bring you the best and latest in product launches; it’s why our website has become a showroom of sorts for hundreds of high-pedigree brands. It’s why- when you talk- we listen. Because that’s our job as e-tailers.
Thank you for visiting. Thank you for shopping. Thank you, also, for just stopping by and browsing. We’d like you to know that the reason we put our customers first, is because you put high-quality and authentic products first. Our priorities are one and the same. Thank you for making us do better and motivating us everyday to become a better version of ourselves.