How to Work on Child Learning Disability 0 3422

Last updated on December 21st, 2023 at 01:12 pm

What is Learning Disability?

Learning Disability is a lifelong neurological condition where a child or an adult experiences difficulties primarily in reading, writing, comprehension and mathematical problem solving. There are other associated difficulties such as: behavioral problem, organization, planning and memory that affect a child’s or adults functional life.

Generally, children with LD are more intelligent than their peer group. Their learning brain does not follow the linear steps of learning. Usually people learn step by step and then create a whole picture of the learning content. On the other hand, a child with LD understands the whole concept first and then discovers the small learning components. As a result it is tricky for parents and teachers to understand the difficulties or conditions that are hindering the learning process of the child. This is the reason why it is called Hidden Disability. In most of the cases when their academic scores deteriorate significantly, the teachers inform parents. In the case of adults, they somehow manage to scuffle across the academic ocean but end up struggling in their personal and professional life, as they are not equipped to cope up with the real world.

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What are the different types and where do I go?

According to Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorder-5 (DSM-5) there are three types of Learning Disability:

1. Specific learning disorder with impairment in reading includes possible deficits in:

  • Word reading accuracy
  • Reading rate or fluency
  • Reading comprehension

DSM-5 diagnostic code 315.00.

2. Specific learning disorder with impairment in written expression includes possible deficits in:

  • Spelling accuracy
  • Grammar and punctuation accuracy
  • Clarity or organization of written expression

DSM-5 diagnostic code 315.2.

3. Specific learning disorder with impairment in mathematics includes possible deficits in:

  • Number sense
  • Memorization of arithmetic facts
  • Accurate or fluent calculation
  • Accurate math reasoning

DSM-5 diagnostic code 315.1.

-I suspect that my child has some form of learning disability, how do I identify them and where do I go?

How should the teacher tend to my child?

Teachers are one of the most important people in Learning Disability Management of a child. First of all they need to observe the child’s learning behavior carefully, focusing on the specific difficulties in reading, writing and mathematical problem solving.

Secondly, they need to collect preceding learning history of the child, developmental history and behavioral history from previous teachers and parents. Learning Disability symptoms manifest at an early age and coexist with other developmental and behavioral conditions. After all the information has been collected, the child can be referred to a specialist such as a Psychiatrist, Psychologist or Special Educator specialized in Learning Disability for clinical diagnosis of the condition.

Finally, they can consult or hire an external support for remedial program for the specific child. Children with Learning Disability can be easily accommodated in mainstream schools provided they have access to Specific Learning Support.

Do I disclose this to my child’s teacher?

The answer is YES! You must share it with the school authority and the existing teaching team. Awareness is the firs step of management. This information and sharing will create awareness among teachers to learn more about your child and the condition. In most of the cases parents suffer from a stigma that if they disclose the condition, the school will not accommodate their children or they will be excluded from their regular schooling system. But the fact is denial and ignorance will never bring a solution or add anything positive in this condition rather increase the intensity of struggle for them. The best management strategy and the first step of this system is to create a strong and healthy network around your child to protect his/her self-esteem and confidence.

Do I have to find another school or a specialized school?

Generally, children with LD have shown average or above average intelligence in IQ tests. In some cases they understand a concept faster and better than their peer group but fail to express that in conventional manner. A regular school is preferred for them with specialized teaching team in Learning Disability Management. The school can hire a learning disability consultant or a learning support teacher for the child with LD. With the help of differentiated teaching strategies, the child can reach desired goals.

Do I have to control my child’s diet?

There is no research evidence regarding any association with diet and learning disability. Consequently, no suggestion can be made in this matter.

How do I tend to my child’s learning?

It is paramount for parents to learn about their child’s learning style, strengths and weaknesses. Then focus can be on the skills they are struggling with. And finally, consult a professional Special Educator or Teacher trained in Learning Disability Management for intervention without wasting your child’s precious time.

Amar Daraz Health Specialist

Ms. Anjuman Parvin 
Early Childhood Development Specialist

About Amar Daraz:

Alok is the school project run by Amar Daraz that focuses on education and development of differently-abled children. Alok is a school that is located in Tongi and where 10 gifted children are taking their education. The objective of this project is to ensure that children from lower privilege have access to optimized learning environments. This program aims to prepare them to reintegrate into their regular school.

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Shuvo Roy, an enthusiastic Content Writer & Researcher, has expertise in several industries, especially in IT, Software & E-commerce. Moreover, he is a strategic planner.

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Government Holidays Calendar – Bangladesh National Holidays List 2024 0 205559

Good news, Bangladesh Government Holiday Calendar 2024 is published. Are you looking for the holiday calendar for 2024 in Bangladesh? You can search the National Government holidays 2024 (বাংলাদেশ) to find the Government holiday list for the year 2024. Here you can check the National BD Holiday Calendar 2024 with the Calendar 2024 Bangladesh pdf now.

DateDayHoliday List
21 FebWednesdayInternational Mother Language Day
26 FebMondayShab e-Barat
17 MarSundayBirthday of Bangabandhu
26 MarTuesdayIndependence Day of Bangladesh
5 AprFridayJumatul Bidah
6 AprSaturdayLaylat ul-Qadr
9 AprTuesdayEid ul-Fitr Holiday
10 AprWednesdayEid ul-Fitr
11 AprThursdayEid ul-Fitr Holiday
14 AprSundayBengali New Year (Pôhela Boishakh)
1 MayWednesdayMay Day
23 MayThursdayBuddha Purnima
16 JunSundayEid ul-Adha Holiday
17 JunMondayEid ul-Adha
18 JunTuesdayEid ul-Adha Holiday
17 JulWednesdayAshura
15 AugThursdayNational Mourning Day
26 AugMondayShuva Janmashtami
16 SepMondayEid-e-Milad un-Nabi
13 OctSundayVijaya Dashami
16 DecMondayVictory Day of Bangladesh
25 DecWednesdayChristmas Day

As you want the Government Calendar 2024, see this 2024 calendar to better prepare holiday vacation plans.

Image of the 2024 calendar with holidays in Bangladesh

Bangladesh government holiday calendar 2024
Bangladesh Holiday 2024 Calendar

Want to see Calendar 2024 with holidays in Bangladesh?

2024 Calendar with Holidays Bangladesh PDF

Download Link: Bangladesh Govt. Holidays Calendar 2024 PDF

** Holidays to be observed in 2024 are listed here as per the Government’s decision.

N.B: Dates can be varied according to the moon’s sitting and will be updated as per further Govt. notice.

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5 Best Body Scrubs in Bangladesh to Brighten Your Skin (2024) 0 5472

Last updated on December 21st, 2023 at 03:29 pm

Hey, wanna have smooth, bright, and glowing skin? Body scrubs remove dead skin cells and leave your skin healthier and radiant. You are in the right place to get the best body scrubs in Bangladesh. Now find out the best body scrubs for skin whitening and glowing skin.

Maybe your skin is dull or dry. In this case, mild exfoliation can be the best solution for you. It works for whitening your skin. Let’s get acknowledged with the basics of body scrub and choose the best scrub and exfoliators that suit your skin.

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What is Body Scrub?

The body scrub is a mechanical exfoliator. This exfoliator includes abrasive materials like salt or sugar, which help remove the dead skin cells from the surface or outer layer of your skin.

Stimulating the skin cell turnover prevents acne breakouts in the long run and gifts you the expected result of your skin’s smoothness.

Best Body Scrubs in Bangladesh You Can Grab Right Now

As the skin is a sensitive organ of our body, it’s essential to choose the high-quality and most effective body scrub for sure. 

1. Aarong Earth Sea Salt Body Scrub

aarong earth body scrub in bd

2. BIOAQUA Body Scrub

BIOAQUA Body Scrub

3. LAIKOU Exfoliating Body Scrub Gel

LAIKOU Exfoliating Body Scrub Gel



5. Mamaearth Ubtan Body Scrub

Mamaearth Ubtan Body Scrub with Turmeric

Which Type of Exfoliator is Perfect for Your Skin?

There are two types of exfoliators.

  • Physical Exfoliator
  • Chemical Exfoliator

Scrubbing twice a week will make a physical exfoliator more effective if you have dry to normal skin and the dead skin cell layer accumulates quickly. 

The physical exfoliator is the finest and the most suitable option for individuals who do not maintain a skincare routine for various reasons and do not have any skin concerns.

The chemical exfoliator will perform effectively for people whose skin is affected by grainy scrubs due to sensitivity. You know what happens when you rub scrubs on active or inflamed acne. The pimple will burst, allowing bacteria to spread throughout the surrounding area.

So, if you have oily sensitive skin, you can use a chemical exfoliant to deep clean the pores and reveal new, vibrant skin. Just remember that if you use a chemical exfoliant, you must use sunscreen before going outside, it is not an option.

How to Use Body Scrub?

Using the body scrub is simple and straightforward. Besides, it’s also safe for your skin. You have to just follow the below steps.

  • Use warm water to rinse your skin first.
  • Put the desired amount of the body scrub.
  • Rub the scrub gently in a smaller circular motion.
  • Scrub your skin for no more than 30 seconds.
  • Now rinse your skin thoroughly with warm water.
  • You may shave if needed.
  • Pat your skin dry
  • Lastly, apply moisturizer

Last Words

The best body scrubs in Bangladesh are explored in this article. The mentioned body scrubs are best for whitening and glowing your skin.

However, the best body scrubs can provide the best solution for your skin. Now it’s time to get the most appropriate body scrub and glow your skin. 

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