After the Qurbani rush, the focus simply turned to the Qurbani meat storage and preservation process. Then the main target is to free some space in the freezer. But the main concern should be properly packaging the Qurbani meat. Moreover, you need to ensure no liquid spillage and keep the meat packet intact for longer. To celebrate this meaty Eid, overall hygiene must also be maintained for the refrigerator and freezer.
Check: 5 Best Freezer Brands in Bangladesh for 2023 | Buying Guide
How to Store Qurbani Meat?
Necessary tips and tricks to store the qurbani meat without any hassle!
- In order to stop the fridge from smelling, always debone the meat before storing it.
- Before packing it into the fridge, make sure all the blood has been washed out of the meat pieces.
- Get rid of the fat and trimmings in the pieces to regulate your own cholesterol levels.
- Right after the meat has been processed during Qurbani, do not immediately store the meat in the fridge. Let it stay out at normal room temperature for 3-4 hours before storing it.
- To keep the taste of the meat fresh and intact, wash the meat properly and then add salt, masala, and vinegar and store it in the fridge.
- Pack the meat properly before putting it in the fridge.
- Store the meat in clear plastic air-tight bags in comparison to boxes.
How to Preserve Meat After Qurbani?
Let’s see how to preserve the Qurbani meats longer-
Freezing Methods:
- The best way to store the meat is to thoroughly clean it and put it into small ziplock bags of half a kg, flatten them, and freeze them immediately. The flattening makes it easier to thaw the frozen meat when we need to use it.
- Another method is to place the cleaned meat pieces on a plate and keep them under a fan overnight after covering them with a muslin cloth. This will dry out a little moisture from the meat and make it easier to freeze it.
- Yet another way can be by marinating the meat pieces along with the herbs of your choice and oil and leaving them in the freezer to freeze after putting them into a zip lock bag. This will also save you the hassle of having to add a ton of spices while cooking it later on, and the flavor from the herbs will incorporate well into the meat.
- However, the most important part before freezing any meat is how to pack it. Never ever freeze the meat in readymade polythene bags from the market or a newspaper. The polythene bags will result in freezer bites, and the ink from the newspaper will soak into the meat, making it quite harmful for consumption.
- While the ideal way to pack the meat is in freezer-safe zip lock bags that can be purchased from any supermarket store, you can make a makeshift wrap from aluminum foil if you donât have any ziplock bags available at hand.
- You can also mince the boneless cuts, make them into ristas and kababs and freeze them. Minced mutton can easily be frozen for up to 3 months or more.
Non-freezing Methods:
For folks who donât have access to a freezer, there is no need for an alarm as it is possible to store meat for long without freezing it. After all, the ancient folks didnât always have freezers.
The best way to preserve meat without a freezer is to dehydrate it. You can rub the mutton with salt all over and heat it over water for 10 mins. After 24 hours, heat the meat in water again for 15 mins. This way, you can easily use the meat for 3-4 days without putting it into a refrigerator.
If you want to preserve your meat for longer than just a few days, then after slicing the meat into thin cuts, rub them with salt and leave them hanging on a wire hook in the sun. The salt and sun will dry out the moisture from the meat and prevent it from spoilage.
It is always best to consume frozen meats as early as possible. To thaw the frozen meat, leave it out on the countertop in the bag it was frozen in until it de-freezes, discard all the liquid that will ooze out from the meat while thawing, and cook it as you would normally. If the frozen meat de-freezes, never ever refreeze it. Instead, try cooking it and freezing the cooked meat. Your body will definitely thank you for it.
For the best deals, visit the Daraz Eid Fest campaign 2023.
Read Another Article:
- How to Calculate the Nisab for Qurbani?
- How to Divide Qurbani Meat According to Islam?
- How Many Qurbani Shares in a Cow?
- How to Distribute Qurbani Meat?
- On Whom Qurbani is Compulsory?
- When is the Qurbani Eid?

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