How Many Qurbani Shares in a Sheep?

In this Festive Eid Season, there might be some questions regarding the Act of Qurbani itself. If you are planning on having a sheep for Qurbani, then it’s a must that you are well informed about the specific rules regarding your sheep Qurbani. Here let’s break down the specifics and answer the question of how many Qurbani Shares in a sheep?

Religious Context

Eid Ul Adha is one of the two major religious festivals for Muslims all over the world. Celebrated on the 10th, 11th, and 12th of the month of Zilhaj. This Eid, we observe the virtue of sacrifice. We remember the Prophet Ibrahim’s willingness to sacrifice his dearest son in the name of Allah. On Eid ul Adha, we try to imbue that sense of sacrifice for the sake of Allah. Any person who is eligible for Qurbani sacrifices an animal on this Eid, symbolizing the sacrifice of our inner demons as well as

How Many Shares for a Sheep?

According to economic ability, people can choose from a range of domestic animals of herbivorous nature like cows, goats, sheep, camels, etc. There are strict rules of Qurbani mentioned in the Quran. If you are planning on sacrificing a sheep, it has some differences with the case of larger animals like Qurbani share in a cow

In the case of smaller animals such as sheep, it is instructed that the whole animal shall be regarded as one share. There is also the minimum age of the sheep for Qurbani. The sheep’s age has to be a minimum of one year, to be eligible for Qurbani. Also, the sheep in question has to be in healthy shape (no horns, broken, no damaged tail or ear, well-fed and taken care of). 

From a Family Perspective

Every Eligible Muslim in the family should give one share of Qurbani. As sheep make up one share of Qurbani, each able family member should give one goat. Qurbani Rules for Husband and Wife also follow the same rule. If each of the couples is able, they should give one share each. In the case of sheep, that is equal to one sheep each. If they have children, parents should give one share on behalf of the children.

For the best deals, keep your eyes on the Grand Eid Fest campaign of Daraz.

Read Another Article:
Qurbani Share in Camel 
Qurbani Share in Goat
How to Divide Qurbani Meat According to Islam?
On Whom Qurbani is Compulsory?
When is the Qurbani Eid?

How Many Qurbani Shares in a Goat?

In this Festive Eid Season, there might be some questions regarding the Act of Qurbani itself. If you are planning on having a goat for Qurbani, then it’s a must that you are well informed about the specific rules regarding your Goat Qurbani. Here let’s break down the specifics and answer the question of how many Qurbani Shares in a Goat?

Religious Context

Eid Ul Adha is one of the two major religious festivals for Muslims all over the world. Celebrated on the 10th, 11th, and 12th of the month of Dhu al Hijjah, known to Bangladeshis as Zilhaj. This Eid, we observe the virtue of sacrifice. We remember the Prophet Ibrahim’s willingness to sacrifice his dearest son in the name of Allah on this Eid. We try to imbue that sense of sacrifice for the sake of Allah. Any person who is eligible for Qurbani sacrifices an animal on this Eid, symbolizing the sacrifice of our inner demons as well as

How Many Shares for a Goat?

According to economic ability, people can choose from a range of domestic animals of herbivorous nature like cows, goats, sheep, camels, etc. There are strict rules of Qurbani mentioned in the Quran. If you are planning on sacrificing a goat, it has some differences with the case of larger animals like Qurbani share in a cow

In the case of smaller animals such as goats, it is instructed that the whole animal shall be regarded as one share. There is also the minimum age of the goat for Qurbani. The goat’s age must be at least one year to be eligible for Qurbani. Also, the goat in question has to be in healthy shape (no horns, broken, no damaged tail or ear, well-fed and taken care of). 

From a Family Perspective

Every Eligible Muslim in the family should give one share of Qurbani. As goats make up one share of Qurbani, each able family member should give one goat. Qurbani Rules for Husband and Wife also follow the same rule. If each of the couples is able, they should give one share each. In the case of goats, that is equal to one goat each. If they have children, parents should give one share on behalf of the children. That includes giving Qurbani for Child Hanafi as well. 

For the best deals, keep your eyes on the Qurbani Eid Fest campaign 2023.

Read Another Article:
Qurbani Share in Camel 
How to Calculate the Nisab for Qurbani?
How to Divide Qurbani Meat According to Islam?
On Whom Qurbani is Compulsory?
When is the Qurbani Eid?

How Many Qurbani Shares in a Camel?

Want to know how many shares in camel Qurbani?

According to Holy Quran, every eligible Muslim should intend for one share of Qurbani. Small animals like a goat or sheep are equal to one Qurbani share. But when it comes to large animals like a cow or camels need to consider seven shares. These can be split between seven individuals as well.

Qurbani Camel Shares for Eid ul Adha 2023

All praises to Allah (SWT), it is permissible to share in a sacrifice if it is a camel or a cow, but it is not permissible to share in a sheep. It is permissible for seven people to share one camel or cow. It is stated that the Sahabah radhi Allahu ‘anhum shared sacrifices: seven people would share a camel or a cow in Hajj and ‘Umrah.

Jabir ibn ‘Abd-Allah radhi Allahu ‘anhu said, “On the day of Hudaybiyah we offered the sacrifice with the Messenger of Allah salAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, a camel on behalf of seven and a cow on behalf of seven.” – Narrated by Muslim (1318)

How Many Qurbani Per Family is Expected?

Every Muslim parent should provide a share in the name of their children. Qurbani rules for husband and wives state that a husband does not need to give a share on behalf of his wife if she has her own money but can do so if they choose to.

Eid ul Adha is a religious event in the Islamic world. Muslims all around are waiting to perform the pilgrimage of Hajj and then do a Qurbani in Bangladesh (or wherever they are). Knowing the correct Qurbani share in camel can help you decide early on if you want a Qurbani share in camel. You can allocate your finances accordingly, performing and dividing Qurbani shares for camels in Bangladesh according to Islamic rules.

For the best deals, keep your eyes on the Grand Eid Fest campaign 2023.

Read Another Article:
Qurbani Share in Cow
How to Calculate the Nisab for Qurbani?
How to Divide Qurbani Meat According to Islam?
On Whom Qurbani is Compulsory?
When is the Qurbani Eid?

What Are the Rules of Qurbani in Islam?

Find All The Rules of Qurbani In Islam and Qurbani Rules for All for This Eid ul Adha 2023 in Bangladesh Below!

Eid ul Adha 2023 is one of the main festivals in the Islamic calendar that has great importance. It dates from the historic time Prophet Ibrahim had a vision where the Almighty Allah (swt) commanded him to sacrifice his son for Him, and while he was in the act, Allah (swt) sent the Angel Jibril to replace the son with a lamb. Eid ul Adha remembers the willingness and great sacrifice Prophet Ibrahim was ready to obey Allah, and it is followed as a Holy tradition by Muslims all around the world.

Since performing a sacrifice in the name of Allah has many sacred values attached to it, it is important that if you’re taking part in Qurbani, then you should perform it in accordance with all the Islamic rules mentioned in the holy Quran and Sunnah for Qurbani Eid to make sure your sacrifice is accepted.

Qurbani Rules in Islam

There are certain rules which are mentioned in the Quran regarding Qurbani that must be followed to make sure your sacrifice is accepted by Allah (swt).

  1. First, you should make sure that the Qurbani should only be performed between the 10th and 12th dates of Dhul Hijjah and can only be carried out after the Eid prayer.
  2. The person who is performing the sacrifice or is getting a sacrifice done in his/her name must not trim his/her hair or nails from the 1st of Dhu’l-Ḥijjah till the Qurbani.
  3. The Qurbani must be divided into three shares – one for oneself, one for family, relatives, or close friends, and the other for the poor.
  4. For Cow or camel, up to seven shares are granted, and for goat or ship, only one share is applicable.
  5. Before sacrificing the Animal, Takbeer must be called out to ensure your Qurbani is accepted.
  6. The Animal should not suffer or go through any mishandling during the slaughtering.
  7. No part of the animal, be it the meat, skin, organs, etc, be sold for money as it would invalidate the sacrifice.

In order to have your Qurbani accepted, one should also be fair in distributing and dividing the meat of Qurbani. Learn how to distribute Qurbani meat so your sacrifice is accepted.

Qurbani Rules for Family

The rules for Qurbani in a family or a household imply that the head of the family or household who has the capacity and wealth can offer Qurbani on behalf of all the people who live in the house. While the shares donated by the family should be made for each person. For example, if a family of 5 performs Qurbani, then they have to donate 5 shares each.

Also Read: How Many Qurbani Shares in a Goat and Qurbani Cow Share for Eid ul Adha.

Qurbani Rules for Husband And Wife

The rules for Qurbani for husband and wife are the same ruling for any person performing the sacrifice. Both the wife and husband for Qurbani must follow the rules levied on individuals performing the sacrifice. According to the Quran, both the wife and husband must make their intention to offer Qurbani or udhiyah. Moreover, if the wife has her own money and is eligible for Qurbani, then the husband does not have to give a share to the wife.

Qurbani Rules for Child

According to the Quran, the rules for Qurbani for children state that it is not mandatory or wajib for a child who has not reached puberty. However, if the child’s guardian is giving a share on behalf of the child, then the child must follow the rules before Qurbani.

Is Qurbani Farz or Sunnah?

Qurbani is obligatory for every wealthy Muslim who is eligible for qurbani as it is an order from Allah, but it is not farj for every Muslim. Qurbani is considered a Sunnah, which means people who perform Qurbani will be highly rewarded, but if a person is unable to do so, it will not be considered a grave sin.

Moreover, any person who is eligible for Zakat or meets the Nisab rate for Eid ul Adha becomes wajib on him or her to do the Qurbani. It is recommended for saheb-e-nisab Muslims to not miss Qurbani and do it as it yields high rewards.

Visit Daraz Grand Eid Fest 2023 to complete your Eid shopping online.

Read Also: Qurbani Eid Date in Bangladesh?

How to Store and Preserve the Qurbani Meat?

After the Qurbani rush, the focus simply turned to the Qurbani meat storage and preservation process. Then the main target is to free some space in the freezer. But the main concern should be properly packaging the Qurbani meat. Moreover, you need to ensure no liquid spillage and keep the meat packet intact for longer. To celebrate this meaty Eid, overall hygiene must also be maintained for the refrigerator and freezer.

Check: 5 Best Freezer Brands in Bangladesh for 2023 | Buying Guide

How to Store Qurbani Meat?

Necessary tips and tricks to store the qurbani meat without any hassle!

  1. In order to stop the fridge from smelling, always debone the meat before storing it.
  2. Before packing it into the fridge, make sure all the blood has been washed out of the meat pieces.
  3. Get rid of the fat and trimmings in the pieces to regulate your own cholesterol levels.
  4. Right after the meat has been processed during Qurbani, do not immediately store the meat in the fridge. Let it stay out at normal room temperature for 3-4 hours before storing it.
  5. To keep the taste of the meat fresh and intact, wash the meat properly and then add salt, masala, and vinegar and store it in the fridge.
  6. Pack the meat properly before putting it in the fridge.
  7. Store the meat in clear plastic air-tight bags in comparison to boxes.

How to Preserve Meat After Qurbani?

Let’s see how to preserve the Qurbani meats longer-

Freezing Methods:

  • The best way to store the meat is to thoroughly clean it and put it into small ziplock bags of half a kg, flatten them, and freeze them immediately. The flattening makes it easier to thaw the frozen meat when we need to use it.
  • Another method is to place the cleaned meat pieces on a plate and keep them under a fan overnight after covering them with a muslin cloth. This will dry out a little moisture from the meat and make it easier to freeze it.
  • Yet another way can be by marinating the meat pieces along with the herbs of your choice and oil and leaving them in the freezer to freeze after putting them into a zip lock bag. This will also save you the hassle of having to add a ton of spices while cooking it later on, and the flavor from the herbs will incorporate well into the meat.
  • However, the most important part before freezing any meat is how to pack it. Never ever freeze the meat in readymade polythene bags from the market or a newspaper. The polythene bags will result in freezer bites, and the ink from the newspaper will soak into the meat, making it quite harmful for consumption.
  • While the ideal way to pack the meat is in freezer-safe zip lock bags that can be purchased from any supermarket store, you can make a makeshift wrap from aluminum foil if you don’t have any ziplock bags available at hand.
  • You can also mince the boneless cuts, make them into ristas and kababs and freeze them. Minced mutton can easily be frozen for up to 3 months or more.

Non-freezing Methods:

For folks who don’t have access to a freezer, there is no need for an alarm as it is possible to store meat for long without freezing it. After all, the ancient folks didn’t always have freezers.

The best way to preserve meat without a freezer is to dehydrate it. You can rub the mutton with salt all over and heat it over water for 10 mins. After 24 hours, heat the meat in water again for 15 mins. This way, you can easily use the meat for 3-4 days without putting it into a refrigerator.

If you want to preserve your meat for longer than just a few days, then after slicing the meat into thin cuts, rub them with salt and leave them hanging on a wire hook in the sun. The salt and sun will dry out the moisture from the meat and prevent it from spoilage.

It is always best to consume frozen meats as early as possible. To thaw the frozen meat, leave it out on the countertop in the bag it was frozen in until it de-freezes, discard all the liquid that will ooze out from the meat while thawing, and cook it as you would normally. If the frozen meat de-freezes, never ever refreeze it. Instead, try cooking it and freezing the cooked meat. Your body will definitely thank you for it.

For the best deals, visit the Daraz Eid Fest campaign 2023.

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How to Distribute Qurbani Meat in Bangladesh?

Qurbani is an extremely holy time in the Islamic calendar, and in order to honor the sacrifice Prophet Ibrahim (AS) was prepared to make as an act of dutiful devotion to Allah (SWT), it must be observed in accordance with the Qurbani rules.

There are a number of rules specific to how to distribute Qurbani meat, the first of which is that each able Muslim should donate one share.

Qurbani Meat Distribution Rules

Following the slaughter of the sacrificial cow, goat, camel, or sheep, the animal should be split into three shares: one for the donor, one for the donor’s friends & family, and one for a person in need. And thus, Islam teaches us to share the qurbani meat for the satisfaction of Allah (swt). 

How Should Qurbani Meat Be Distributed?

Once the sacrifice has been carried out, the meat from Qurbani animals must be distributed in three equal parts. These are as follows:

  • One part for the individual performing Qurbani
  • Another for their friends and family
  • The last for those in need

“And the camels and cattle We have appointed for you as among the symbols of Allah ; for you therein is good. So mention the name of Allah upon them when lined up [for sacrifice]; and when they are [lifeless] on their sides, then eat from them and feed the needy and the beggar. Thus have We subjected them to you that you may be grateful.” (Al-Haj 22/36)

What should a Person Do with His Qurbānī Meat?

Almighty Allah (swt) says in the Qurʾān (22: 36): “Eat from them and feed the content [poor person] and the beggar.”

The Prophet of Allah ﷺ said: “So eat, preserve and donate”.

How to Divide the Qurbani Meat?

  1. Many Ḥanafī scholars suggest that eating a third is preferable, donating a third and preserving a third. Some Ḥanafī scholars suggest donating a third and eating two-thirds, whilst some suggest the opposite if a person is wealthy.
  2. Some Mālikī scholars suggest that eating a third is preferable, donating a third, and preserving a third. Others suggest eating a third and donating two-thirds, whilst some suggest donating half and eating half. However, Imam Mālik (d. 179/795) would not specify the proportion and would generally advise eating and donating.
  3. Some Shāfiʿī scholars suggest it is preferable to eat half and donate half. Others suggest eating a third and donating two-thirds, while others suggest eating a third, donating a third, and distributing a third to whom a person wishes. Imam Gazālī (d. 505/1111) suggests it is preferable to eat a third, donate a third, and preserve a third, a view that has been rejected by the Shāfiʿī scholars.
  4. The Ḥanbalī scholars suggest it is preferable to donate a third, distribute a third to whomsoever he wishes (family and associates), and eat a third.

In conclusion, it is desirable for a person to eat the meat himself and also distribute it to the poor and others. It is also permissible to preserve and store the meat for future use.

For the best deals, keep an eye on the Grand Eid Fest campaign 2023.

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How Many Qurbani Shares in a Cow?

Want to Know How Many Shares in Cow Qurbani?

According to the holy Quran, every eligible Muslim should intend for one share of Qurbani. Small animals like a goat or sheep are equal to one Qurbani share. But when it comes to large animals like cows or camels need to consider seven shares. These can be split between seven individuals as well.

Qurbani Cow Shares for Eid ul Adha 2023

All praises to Allah (swt), it is permissible to share in a sacrifice if it is a camel or a cow, but it is not permissible to share in a sheep. It is permissible for seven people to share one camel or cow. It is narrated that the Sahabah radhi Allahu ‘anhum shared sacrifices: seven people would share a camel or a cow in Hajj and ‘Umrah.

Jabir ibn ‘Abd-Allah radhi Allahu ‘anhu said, “On the day of Hudaybiyah we offered the sacrifice with the Messenger of Allah salAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, a camel on behalf of seven and a cow on behalf of seven.” – Narrated by Muslim (1318)

How Much is a Qurbani Cow Share in Bangladesh (2023)?

Here is how much Qurbani share in cows in Bangladesh for Qurbani is approximate:

Country Goat/Sheep One Share in Cow
Bangladesh BDT 10,000 BDT 8,500 (Approx for 7 Parts)

How Many Qurbani Per Family is Expected?

Every Muslim parent should provide a share in the name of their children. Qurbani rules for husband and wives state that a husband does not need to give a share on behalf of his wife if she has her own money but can do so if they choose to.

Eid ul Adha is a religious event in the Islamic world. Muslims all around are waiting to perform the pilgrimage of Hajj and then do a qurbani in Bangladesh (or wherever they are). Knowing the correct qurbani share in a cow can help you decide early on whether you want a Qurbani share in cow or a goat qurbani share (sheep and camel) share. You can allocate your finances accordingly, performing and dividing Qurbani shares for cows in Bangladesh according to Islamic rules.

For the best deals, take a look at the Daraz Grand Eid Fest 2023.

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Who is Eligible for Qurbani on Eid Ul Adha?

Sacrifice is an important act of worship in Islam. Sacrifice is obligatory for the able-bodied person. If one does not perform this great act of worship despite his ability, he is condemned in the hadith. It has been narrated in the hadith, ‘He who has the ability to sacrifice, but does not offer the sacrifice, let him not come to our Eidgah.’ (Mustadrake Hakim, Hadith: 3519; Attargib Wat Tarhib: 2/155)

No doubt that Qurbani is an integral part of Eid-ul-Azha. But who among the people at different levels of society is actually considered capable of Qurbani?

Who is Eligible for the Qurbani?

Nisab is the measure of the ability to perform Qurbani in the name of the Almighty Allah (swt). Nisab means to have 7.5 tolas (3 ounces or 87.48 gram) of gold or its equivalent or 52.5 tolas (21 ounces or 612.36 gram) of silver or its equivalent. However, with zakat, this amount of wealth is not a condition for 1 full year to be required for Qurbani.

Things Need to Know about the Eligibility for Qurbani

This nisab determines the Qurbani is compulsory to whom and who is not eligible for Qurbani. The following rules determine who can perform the Qurbani.

  • On the 10th, 11th, and 12th of the Zilhaj month, if a Muslim owns the additional nisab amount of wealth after fulfilling all kinds of household expenses, then Qurbani will have to be done for sure.
  • Qurbani is a must-do for a person who will be the owner of a specified amount of wealth between 10 Zilhaj Fajr and 12 Zilhaj evenings.
  • To support a family, a minimum amount of land or crops (food grains) is needed. If the value of the land or crop from that amount or the value of any one of them is equal to the value of the nisab amount of property, then the Qurbani is a must.
  • If a Muslim owns cash money worth BDT 55,000 or more, gold or silver ornaments, business, as well as additional houses and furniture out of necessity equivalent to nisab, then Qurbani will be mandatory.
  • If all members of the family own a nisab amount of wealth, then Qurbani is obligatory for all of them.
  • No matter how much wealth a person owns, it requires only one portion of Qurbani. There is no provision for multiple quotas of Qurbani. However, there is more reward in multiple shares of Qurbani.
  • If a person swears or intends for Qurbani, whether he is wealthy or not, it must be fulfilled.
  • If a poor person buys a sacrificial animal for Qurbani, then Qurbani must be compulsory for that person.
  • For Those who pay Zakat, Qurbani must be compulsory for them.
  • Qurbani must be performed by every independent, mature owner of wealth, healthy man and woman, according to nisab.

If a person cannot make the wajib Qurbani on the day of 10 to 12th Zilhaj, then it is prescribed to give the value of a goat suitable for the Qurbani if he has not purchased the sacrificial animal. And if the animal was purchased, but could not qurbani for any valid reason, then the animal will be donated alive. (Badayos Sanaye: 4/204; Fatawa Kazikhan: 3/345)

To satisfy Allah (swt) with our qurbani, the intention should be pure. May Allah (swt) grant our qurbani and reward us for the holy sacrifice.

For the best deals, visit the Daraz Eid Fest campaign and enjoy your Eid shopping.

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What is Nisab For Qurbani 2023 Bangladesh?

In the holy Quran, strict instruction for Qurbani has been given from Allah (swt) to the Muslims who are the owners of nisab amount of wealth.

Cash in hand, share certificates, prize bonds and savings certificates, gold-silver, precious metals, commercial assets and industrial trade, agricultural crops produced, livestock and other cattle, minerals, and provident fund; Qurbani should be performed on these, but according to the Nisab.

What is Nisab for Qurbani?

Nisab is an Islamic word. To be liable for Qurbani, your wealth amount must be more than a minimal figure. This wealth amount is termed the nisab.

What is the Nisab Amount Wealth for Qurbani, and How is Nisab Value Calculated?

After fulfilling the daily needs and excluding the daily necessities, if there is fifty-two and a half tolas of silver (21 ounces or 612.36 gram) or seven and a half tolas of gold (3 ounces or 87.48 gram), or if one owns a business of its equivalent, it will be considered for the nisab of Qurbani.

What is the Minimum Amount of Nisab on Which Qurbani is Due?

If a Muslim owns the nisab amount of wealth on the 10th, 11th, and 12th of the Zilhaj month after meeting all sorts of necessities and all kinds of household expenses, then he or she must perform Qurbani in the name of the most merciful Allah (swt). 

Qurbani is a must if the cash money, business, lands and crops or food grains, assets, and other profits or halal incomes are valued as the nisab amount for Qurbani on the 10th, 11th, and 12th of the Zilhaj month.

If the minimum nisab for Qurbani is converted into cash, the amount should be about BDT 55,000 or more.

For the best deals, keep an eye on the Qurbanir Eid Fest campaign 2023.

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Celebrate Your Grand Eid Fest 2023 with Daraz!

Eid is the ultimate epitome of happiness. After all the desired hearted waiting, Eid-ul-Adha is yet to knock on doors soon. And to celebrate this biggest fest in a new dimension, Daraz offers enormous discounts and magnificent voucher codes for the latest Grand Eid Fest campaign. You can order all your Qurbanir Eid essentials from this mega campaign which will be covered with lots of discount offers and vouchers.

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Eid fashion for women at the discount price

Eid Fashion for Men

Eid is the perfect time to experiment with your style and embrace the latest fashion trends. Whether you prefer traditional outfits like Punjabi, Sherwani, or Saree, or you’re more inclined towards modern ensembles like Kurti, Gown, or Salwar Kameez, we have something for everyone. Our collection features a wide range of designs, colors, and fabrics to suit your individual preferences. Explore our extensive range of clothing, accessories, watches, and jewelry to find the perfect pieces that reflect your personal style.

Check out your favorite Eid wear at the best price from Daraz Grand Eid Fest Campaign 2023.

Men's fashion offers on Daraz Grand eid fest 2023
Celebrate Your Grand Eid Fest 2023 with Daraz! 27

Men's fashion trends in this eid 2023
Celebrate Your Grand Eid Fest 2023 with Daraz! 28

Phones and Tablets

order mobile phones

Eid greetings are mandatory, either by SMS and a phone call or email and social media messages. Happiness becomes double if that is done through a new smartphone or tablet. Get ready to say “Eid Mubarak’ to all of your friends and family members with your new mobile phone, which you can buy under mega deals from Daraz. You’ll surely love the top mobile brand’s collection of Daraz, which includes iPhone, realme, Xiaomi, Samsung, OnePlus, Oppo, Vivo, Huawei, Motorola, Nokia, Infinix, and many more.

Grocery Items

Online eid bazar at eid fest campaign 2023
Celebrate Your Grand Eid Fest 2023 with Daraz! 29

For celebrating the Eid festival to the fullest, grocery items are beyond necessary. And for your kind information, Daraz brings you Daraz Mart – the biggest online grocery shop in Bangladesh. So, from now on, shopping for cooking essentials for your Eid fest will not be tiresome anymore.

Health & Beauty Products

Buy branded and authentic beauty products from daraz

Again what next? The Health and Beauty products, right? With the bundle of exciting deals and unbelievable discount offers, you will be able to enjoy soaps, shampoo, hand wash, hair oil, shower gel, body spray, toothpaste, and a lot more! 

So, stop waiting and start shopping by visiting Daraz Eid Big Sale Campaign and get an additional cashback offer through bank payment partners. But Daraz ( online shop can surprise you with lucrative vouchers that can meter up your excitement for shopping online Daraz. Have enough time in hand? You can visit the official Daraz Blog to keep yourself updated with the latest deals and discount offers!