Staying healthy should be always be a priority, over and above everything. If you’re home these days, then chances are that you’re feeling lazier than you usually do. Needless to say, this automatically means your body is getting lesser exercise than it does on normal days with daily routine. And that, dear friend, is not great for your body or brain!
To make sure you stay active, we’ve made a list of all the exercises that you shouldn’t find too hard to do at home. So let’s see what these are!
This is a great way to challenge your balance – it’s what they call a well-rounded exercise! They help increase the strength of your legs and glutes, while also allowing for some promotional functional movement.

- Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and arms to the sides.
- Take a step forward with one leg and bend that knee while you do so. Stop bending when your knee is parallel to the ground, and make sure the knee you’re bending doesn’t extend past the foot of that leg.
- Then push up off the foot of your bent leg, return to the original position and repeat with the other leg.
Squats are the perfect choice of exercise if you want to increase the strength of your core and lower body. It’s also great to improve the flexibility in your lower back and hips. Not to mention, squats engage some of your largest muscles, thus also helping burn a lot of those extra calories!

- Stand straight with your feet slight further apart than shoulder-width, and arms at sides.
- Push your chest and chin up, brace your core, and push your hips back and bend your knees like you were about to sit on a chair.
- Making sure that your knees don’t bow outward or inward, go down till your thighs are parallel to the ground, and extend your arms in front in a comfortable position. Pause for a bit and return to the starting position.
- Do 3 sets of 20 reps.
Known to be one of the most basic exercises, pushups are also one of the most effective ones. The number of muscles involved in moving the body-weight is what makes it such a great exercise.

- Drop into a plank position. Keep your core tight, neck neutral and your shoulders pulled down and back.
- Bend the elbows to lower your body to the floor. When your chest is parallel to the floor, extend your elbows to return to the plank position. Keep your elbows close to the body.
- Try completing as many reps of 3 sets as possible.
Standing Overhead Dumbbell Presses
This is a compound exercise that’s great to continue even when you return to your daily routine. This workout exercises many muscles and joints, engaging your upper back and core along with your exercises.

- Get a light pair of dumbbells (10 pounds would be a good start). Stand feet shoulder-width apart and hold up your dumbbells overhead (parallel to the floor).
- Brace your core and start pushing up the weights till your arms are fully extended above. Keep your head and neck still.
- After a little pause, bend your elbows and bring the weight back down till your tricep is back to the starting position.
- Do 3 sets of 12 reps.
Single-Leg Deadlifts
Another exercise to challenge your balance! This one requires stability and leg strength, and will be great for your legs and back!

- Pick a set of light dumbbells and hold one in one hand, with knees bent slightly.
- While hinging at the hips, start kicking one of your legs straight back behind your body, lowering the dumbbell towards the ground.
- Once you reach a comfortable position, start returning to your starting position slowly. Make sure that your pelvis remains square to the ground as you move.
- Repeat the same with the other hand and leg, and do for around 10 to 12 reps.
Don’t ignore this effective exercise because it feels to basic. If you want to target your abdominal muscles, then situps are the way to go!

- Lie flat on the ground on your back, with knees bent, feet flat and your hands behind your head.
- Keep your feet glued to the ground, and start rolling up, lifting your head, and thus engaging your core. Be careful no to strain your neck as you do the upward motion.
- When your chest reaches your legs, slide back down to the starting positions.
- try starting off with 3 sets of 15 reps.
Glute Bridge
Aiming to work on your entire posterior chain, the glute bridge does a great job. This exercise wont just do good to your overall physical health, but will also make your body look even perkier!

- Lie down on the floor, knees bent, feet flat and arms lying straight on the sides with the palms facing downwards.
- Push using your heels to raise your hips off the floor by squeezing your glutes, hamstring and core.
- Your upper back and arms should remain in contact with the ground. Your core down to your knees should make a straight line.
- Pause for around 2 seconds and then return to the original position.
- Try completing 3 sets of 10-12 reps.
With these exercises, your body will start to see better days than it has ever before!
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Shuvo Roy, an enthusiastic Content Writer & Researcher, has expertise in several industries, especially in IT, Software & E-commerce. Moreover, he is a strategic planner.